[update] just a few things from today;

May 04, 2011 23:07

I was on AIM with Mags, playing sounding board while she went ahead and considered tattoo options. She brought this up initially some so-and-so weeks ago, but voicing an interest in getting ink and discussing designs and where said ink will go are two different things. She's already decided on what she wants and where they'll go. I've agreed to go with her when she has it done, because while I could never get one for myself (I consider it sometimes though the permanence of it stops me), I've always been so fascinated with the process.

The heat in this country is not getting any better. I spent yesterday's day off here at home for the most part, curled up in bed with Mom napping beside me, both electric fans turned on high and steady on us. It rained a little and while it was there it was good and cool, but afterwards the humidity was murder.

I've been moving a lot of things into Yanagi - music, vids - but not too much. Just the important files. I may be a notorious pack rat when it comes to things I can scrapbook, but when it comes to my tech, I'm very conscientious of what I keep. It usually has to be stuff I know for certain I would go back to and revisit, or rare films that take forever to acquire. If it's neither of these, I just know that have to really, really want to keep it, otherwise, into the recycle bin they go.

Work was okay. Chugging along.

I have one more day at the office tomorrow and then I have Friday and Saturday free.

It actually feels odd and very surreal to stop and say "I have plans for the weekend," because I haven't had a weekend in a little over a month. But I do and I am looking very much forward to it: Free Comicbook Day, hanging with good friends, a high possibility of lulz, and maybe a quick trip to the MCC (Metro Comic Con).

You can't ask for much more than that.

Ending this here. Might crash in a few. Hope all is well for all of you ♥

this is my life

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