[update] 3 days to go (yes, posting);

Dec 21, 2008 12:27

This Christmas, it looks to be amazing. :)

Posting now because I haven't in awhile and I sort of need to, and also because I suspect that I will be ridiculously busy this coming week. Everything's exactly as it should be. Heheh.

Pretty much done with my Christmas shopping -- at least 95% of it. I have a couple other things to pick up, but at least the major part of the shopping spree has been set aside in wrapping paper and matching tags.

Now, recapping:

Friday was spent at GreenHills with Mia anothermiyaw. Met up at Fuzion where I realized that she had not had any sleep at all and would later still find out that she had not had breakfast. We went around looking at dresses and coats, blouses and other things. She bought some clothes for when she finally joins the workforce, I snagged my baby brother's gifts. :) Lots of wandering around and maneuvering through the crowd and a short lunch at Dulcinea where we picked up talking about Serious Business again and what other things we were going to do like, um, gift!fic which I am slightly panicking over, lol.

We parted ways at around 5pm, she to get a taxi, me to poke around FullyBooked and National Bookstore for a handful of other things. Got home sometime short of 7pm and joined the family for dinner. Slept really well when I finally crashed.

Saturday was blocked off for an excursion to the same place, but with my parents this time. A helluva more shopping done, much deserved bonding time with my Mom homesong. Lunch was Teriyaki Boy (surprisingly empty, then again, it was early) and merienda was the usual roll of Shawarma from the Food Channel.

My feet hurt afterwards, but it's worth it. The thing about getting all the stuff we needed to buy is that I won't have to deal with the GreenHills crush anytime soon anymore. :)

Still, those were mostly for family. My gifts-to-give list is still rather long and right on cue I'm doing a number of things on the last minute again. Still, working on them makes me smile. I can't wait to see what their recepients think. =X Am hoping they like them though. I wish to no longer be made of much fail. :)

I've also received some really awesome gifts early this year. Will take this time to pimp them out give tribute:

A Cesare Fanmix from Kam slpwlkngdreamer

Me getting into Fuyumi Souryo's Cesare is pretty much Kam's doing, and I'm going to take this time to thank her for it, especially since this soundtrack has pretty much blown me away. I've been itching for some new music to listen to as of late and though bes hinted that she'd be putting together a bunch of tracks in the spirit of our latest obsession, I had no idea it would be this amazing. :)

I've uploaded two zip files, because the epicness of the FST apparently cannot be contained within one zip file acceptable to Mediafire, nor a single CD. Ahahaha. SO um, here you go: Un Italiano Romance Part 1, Part 2.

If taking, please either comment to this entry, or better yet - comment here and give Kam some love. :) She's nice, I promise.

Things We Lost in the Fire by thelostmaximoff

About a month (or something like that) ago Wes posted up an entry for Christmas fic requests. Rather than chickening out as I am normally wont to do, I posted and asked if I was eligible. As a result, I got the above fic - brilliantly written and just such a wonderful read. Despite all the tragic Marvel why, WHY that's gone on with the New X-Men kids and the recent arcs, this one ends on a semi-hopeful note that gives it just a touch of Christmas cheer.

Wes, I already said this on the post itself, but again, thank you. :) It really made my morning.


Now, to um, the important schedule-related stuff.

A few entries (and a week or so) back I asked if anyone was interested with joining me for Ice Skating. For those who are considering dropping by I'll be meeting the Unholy Quartet (Kam, Hope coffeebased and Dee prolixbrevity - you, you, ;; why are you not replying to my texts?) at the Mall of Asia this coming Friday, Dec. 26th, 2008 for a day of company and yes - skating.

Prices can be located here. I'd really like to go with the unlimited bit because in my head it kind of computes to fairly cheaper, but I suppose it will be better if I see you guys all first before finally deciding whether spending a couple hours in Winter Wonderland is your thing. For my part though, I miss skating, so it'd be a real treat to get in some laps or something.

skysthelimit_06 peeps, I would love it if you all found the time to come. I really miss you all and I haven't seen some of you since my birthday, or another time just as far back as that (except you, Rika redmoonmurder, I saw you last Friday, haha).

Really, feel free to just drop by and call out my attention. Points if you startle me enough to land me on my butt - very difficult to do though. :)

RSVP to me via text or LJ message/comment. These are the most reliable ways to get in touch with me.

Anyway, that's it for now? I'll catch you guys soon. Have stuff to see to. Like um. Music. :P

this is my life, my kam, music, fandom: cesare

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