[randomness] insert witty one-liner here;

Dec 15, 2008 09:44

It's come to my attention that the crazy Philippine post might be screwing me over. Where is Jacki's dragondreamfire card, mail-people?!? ;; I need my mail. I LIVE for my mail.

xx; Sad to say, there's a chance it's probably my mistake for giving out the simplified version of my home address. Our house doesn't have a decent mailbox and sometimes, some delivery people can't be bothered to properly inquire where the mail needs to be placed. ;; CRY.

So. Um, for anyone who needs my snail mail address, just comment below and I'll reply with it. Comments will be screened. :3 Cos I am careful like that.

/yes, whiny post is whiny. Hahaha.

noey fails at life

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