[update] baby steps;

May 17, 2008 13:59

autobotvierge: Hey there!
beautybedamned: heyhey
autobotvierge: You're pretty famous now, aren't you?
beautybedamned: sdjkfhalksdfjhadf
beautybedamned: oO;
beautybedamned: you SAW
autobotvierge: We read the Bulletin here.
autobotvierge: Why yes, I did.
beautybedamned: ><;
autobotvierge: I pointed the article out to my parents, and my mom asked: "When's her album coming out?"
autobotvierge: I had to clarify that you were still looking for a studio to record them in.

- me and Vierge autobotvierge, just minutes ago

It’s not easy to describe Noelle’s music, though it does possess qualities which remind me of Aimee Mann’s more heart-tugging work, or Joni Mitchell circa the Blue album. Her voice is young, but not naïve: it has a certain quality, not weary or wise necessarily, but aware of the uncertainty of the future, while at the same time tinged with nostalgia. Her lyrics are personal and direct but not obvious or easy; they steer clear of cliché while never being needlessly obscure. (Here’s a sample, from a song called "Telescope": "Kiss me quiet on my palm/ Where the lines form a constellation/ And your breath takes me backwards in time./ Everyone likes to think of meanings/ For the sky, for the world/ For the fact that things are being.") [read/view full article]

I think it was either late Monday or early Tuesday when Luis madcowblues texted me to ask if I'd be cool with him writing an article about our trip to the studios. I didn't see anything wrong with saying "okay," (nevermind that the mental translation of my thoughts equated to 'adkfjhadskjhdff').

To bring everyone up to speed, Wednesday of the week that I was assisting/teaching the writing workshop at the Lopez Museum, I met up with Luis to head on up to Circus Studios and then to another one at Xavierville to check out facilities, prices and the like.

While I know I've been talking about my music to some friends, I never said anything about the trip because as far as everything looks, there's really nothing to say just yet.

As Kam slpwlkngdreamer says though, "baby steps". And personally, I'm crossing my fingers that maybe this is a good omen with regard to my dream.

Suffice to say, he said the article would be short, which made me think of perhaps a simple mention of me as an aspiring singer/songwriter. Maybe a line or two.

Woke up today well past noon. Saw his text and the page number (I was dead to the world and his message had apparently been sitting in my inbox since 8am). Jogged down, asked Nate _thenothing_ to buy a copy--

--and promptly went @@; at the sight of my photo and an article half-a-page long.


><; Meh.


this is my life, set aside: chat logs, 【♪♫】, elsewhere on the news

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