[update] oO; i has kweschuns (rhetorical, do not attempt to answer);

May 16, 2008 15:04

#1. Why is everyone on my flist (and in RL) having teeth extracted?

I've literally read 5 posts now with people at the dentist. NOt to mention receiving a text from Mom homesong that she had 2 wisdom teeth removed.

#2. Why is it I find it so bizarre that Cyn vacivity just told me that McDonald's in California does not deliver? Is this another sign that no, I will never survive out of my country? (Lolz *keels over*)

I am off. Will brave the rain. It was unbelievably thick earlier on so much that we all turned our eyes to the window to see nothing but white. Literally. We usually spy Makati even from our height, but yes, just white. A couple of people took pictures because we are silly like that. Well, them, in any case -- I was reading. xD

TGIF. It be the weekend, I am gone.

this is my life, noey goes wtf?

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