two crazed girls: chatlog part dos.

Nov 28, 2007 05:34

continued from [here]...

[06:00] mlina: i have a feeling once people on my flist get wind that you're into marvel you'll have a lot of watchers x3
[06:00] oniwanbashu: I TRIES. XDXD Poke me when you think I'm dead. Kekekekeke. *hands you a two-pringed stick*
[06:00] mlina: oh and beforei forget. can i write maddelena (i know i spelled that wrong) fic?
[06:00] mlina: LOLZ
[06:00] mlina: XD POST TODAY!
[06:00] oniwanbashu: Well, sure, ;) If you'd like to.
[06:00] oniwanbashu: Lelelelele
[06:00] mlina: :))
[06:01] mlina: OF COURSE I WOULD LIKE TO
[06:01] mlina: <-- is hoarding your tmnt pics in her harddrive
[06:01] oniwanbashu: Ah fine. XDXDXD I'll see what I can digs up for posties....yesssss...tibits and camdies.....kekekekeke.
[06:01] mlina: *twirls in her swively chair*
[06:01] oniwanbashu: Will do after the madness that is my submission is ovar. Hell, I hope they won't get us to present front of class.
[06:01] oniwanbashu: Nyeh.
[06:01] mlina: ack
[06:01] mlina: what are you submitting? ^^
[06:02] oniwanbashu: Some time based media explaining what I understand about Aura from Walter benjamin's essays.
[06:02] oniwanbashu: which involves taking your own art and explaining what its has to do with Aura.
[06:03] oniwanbashu: Which is all lost on me for the moment, because the man talks in damn riddles/doesn;t get to the point/an unholy combination of the above.
[06:03] oniwanbashu: Websites helped tho.
[06:03] mlina: -nodnod-
[06:04] mlina: when is it due?
[06:04] mlina: <-- is used to reading dense writing due to lit
[06:05] oniwanbashu: Lets see. This day, at 2pm?
[06:05] oniwanbashu: kekekeke
[06:06] oniwanbashu: X3
[06:06] mlina: omg
[06:06] mlina: *flail*
[06:06] mlina: x.x
[06:06] mlina: but you're ready, right?
[06:07] oniwanbashu: ack, more or less. Got the artwork. Just matter of putting things together and stuff. and writing some 100 word drabble of what's the connection.
[06:07] oniwanbashu: I love philosophy and literature, but this man is lost on me. XDXD
[06:08] oniwanbashu: SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK. *strives on*
[06:08] oniwanbashu: <3
[06:10] mlina: awww...
[06:10] mlina: *HUG?*
[06:10] mlina: if you need to sleep, it's alright. you'll need to be well rested for your presentation/report/submission
[06:10] mlina: go with what you think for the drabble
[06:11] mlina: i had to write this essay for federico garcia lorca's play and theory of the duende and all i ended up doing was babbling something of a onfessional
[06:11] mlina: confessional* about how writing's been hard for me because i fear my duende and blahblahblah
[06:11] mlina: my prof liked it tho
[06:12] mlina: :\ but i think it's because i appealed to her poet's sensibilities
[06:12] oniwanbashu: Ahhhhhhh....XDXDXD You were lucky. *chuckles*
[06:12] mlina: lolz
[06:12] oniwanbashu: *Hugs back*
[06:12] mlina: i guess i was
[06:12] mlina: x.x hopefully i'll be lucky this weekend too
[06:12] mlina: lolz
[06:12] mlina: lol
[06:12] oniwanbashu: ROFL WIN!
[06:12] mlina: cos i filed for leave since we have this poetry workshop
[06:13] mlina: which i take with fear over routine calls and legwork anyday
[06:13] mlina: :)
[06:13] oniwanbashu: Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. o.O *intrigued*
[06:13] oniwanbashu: My brotehrs always been the one who loved poetry and me fiction.
[06:13] oniwanbashu: Never tried writing poetry before. X3 Ack.
[06:13] mlina: lolz
[06:13] oniwanbashu: Tell me about it once you're done.
[06:14] mlina: the original drafts of the ones i wrote are on my lj :)
[06:14] mlina: i shall! XD
[06:14] oniwanbashu: *gigglesnortbraindiez*
[06:14] mlina: i'm a songwriter, so i've dabbled in poetry
[06:14] oniwanbashu: Heeeeee...*bounces around hyper*
[06:14] mlina: upping my game is what my prof's challenging me to do
[06:14] mlina: actually, i will have to prod kam about A Sci-Fi Love Story, the poem she wrote that inspired the bella/magnus fic
[06:14] mlina: :)
[06:14] mlina: i think you'll like it
[06:15] mlina: we're just pulling our hairs out trying to think for a substitute for the line "only the soul can understand"
[06:15] mlina: because ... we need something vague-er than "soul" since it's a human concept.
[06:15] mlina: but we can't use spark, because that's too fandom specific
[06:16] oniwanbashu: *ponders*
[06:16] oniwanbashu: <=== Brain not equip to do thinking at the moment.
[06:16] oniwanbashu: I'd love to see it.
[06:16] oniwanbashu: X3
[06:16] mlina: lolz it's okay :) i'm helping kam with this
[06:16] mlina: but yes, and i'll let her know :)
[06:17] mlina: she's wary of putting it up on dA before the workshop. but she's considering LJ
[06:17] mlina: :)
[06:18] mlina: <3
[06:18] mlina: are you okay?
[06:18] mlina: <-- cannot help but wonder if you've fallen asleep
[06:20] oniwanbashu: Hehehe...Still awake (for now).
[06:20] oniwanbashu: X3
[06:21] mlina: lol
[06:21] mlina: <3
[06:21] oniwanbashu: I'll be looking forward. <3 *tired grin* Ooohhhh....posty thingies.....profiles...yes...profiles post up todayness har
[06:21] mlina: awwwww, nadz
[06:21] mlina: *huggle*
[06:21] oniwanbashu: *huggles back* XDXD
[06:21] mlina: well, if anything, you can look forward to music posts on onceonthisearth later
[06:21] oniwanbashu: *Purrs in delight* =3
[06:22] oniwanbashu: Music posts?
[06:22] mlina: ever see titan ae?
[06:22] mlina: lol
[06:22] mlina: yeah
[06:22] mlina: i have an imeem account. you can embed songs on your lj
[06:22] mlina: i've been working on the soundtracks for the comm
[06:22] mlina: :)
[06:22] mlina: i have like... themes. sort of. working on image songs.
[06:22] mlina: lene marlin sounds good for caitlin, but i need to check her lyrics cos they're usually sad :(
[06:23] oniwanbashu: Ooooff. Don't want to give the wrong impression/wrong lyrics for a character we don't X3.
[06:23] oniwanbashu: I remembered reading that on Vierge's journal.
[06:23] oniwanbashu: imeem?
[06:23] oniwanbashu: *LJ n00b*
[06:24] mlina: -nods-
[06:24] mlina: lolz
[06:24] mlina: <-- it's a different site
[06:24] oniwanbashu: Ahhh....
[06:24] mlina: but i find it's useful, since when you upload it gives you this code and you can copy that and voila! the song is on your lj
[06:24] mlina: man, i need to make you icons
[06:24] mlina: *digs through your art stash again*
[06:24] oniwanbashu: :))
[06:24] mlina: anything/one you want in particular?
[06:24] mlina: <-- is looking for a nice hound one
[06:24] oniwanbashu: I thank you for your services once more, comrade. X3
[06:24] mlina: XD
[06:24] oniwanbashu: Well, let's see....
[06:24] mlina: no prob. :)
[06:26] oniwanbashu: <==== The ittybitty Raphy and Donny is makes cute iconses, methinks.
[06:26] mlina: XD consider it done
[06:26] mlina: :)
[06:26] oniwanbashu: But me is high on crack right now, so me Nadz leaves so to your Noelle's discretion.
[06:26] mlina: :))
[06:27] mlina: i shall make several then and will post them on an lj post so you can pick. XD
[06:27] oniwanbashu: yayness X3
[06:27] mlina: lolz
[06:27] mlina: awwww, nadz.
[06:27] mlina: get some sleep bebe.
[06:27] oniwanbashu: But mommy. X3
[06:27] mlina: you sound like you need it :(
[06:27] mlina: lolz
[06:27] mlina: XD
[06:27] oniwanbashu: Ah well. XDXD
[06:27] mlina: ahaha
[06:27] mlina: well if you really dun wanna
[06:27] mlina: XD
[06:28] oniwanbashu: I shall at 6.30. Sharp.
[06:28] mlina: but seriously. i worry about your submission
[06:28] oniwanbashu: Hopefully
[06:28] mlina: lolz
[06:28] oniwanbashu: *eyes clock*
[06:28] mlina: want me to provide you with funny?
[06:28] mlina: :)
[06:28] mlina: i have enough to spare
[06:28] oniwanbashu: Spillers. Funny is good crack, yes.
[06:28] oniwanbashu: <3
[06:28] mlina: *is contemplating posting the catydid floating bit on onceonthisearth, crack section*
[06:28] mlina: lolz
[06:28] oniwanbashu: =))
[06:28] mlina: *digs through her brain for stuffage*
[06:29] oniwanbashu: Poor baby.....
[06:29] oniwanbashu: Love her nickname, really
[06:29] oniwanbashu: *chuckles*
[06:29] mlina: well i will have to ask kam to post that bit about caitlin!human going o.Owtf on "the haunted camaro"
[06:29] oniwanbashu: babydoll
[06:29] mlina: lolz
[06:29] mlina: appropriated it for her.
[06:29] mlina: it seems much more suited to her
[06:29] oniwanbashu: Oh yes. Bumbles gonna have fun with that, I bet. X3
[06:30] mlina: oh and XD i hope i don't sound to presumptious. but i was telling kam how i'm going to be cautiously drawing you into once now, as the "official artist" lolz
[06:30] mlina: XD with occassional crossovers (hopefully) with your transhuman verse XD
[06:30] mlina: lolz
[06:30] mlina: i have a fic somewhere.
[06:30] mlina: it's bee brooding in the garage because cait took the other car and not him and he doesn't like the guy she's going out on a 'date' with
[06:30] mlina: she's oblivious at this point, methinks
[06:31] oniwanbashu: *laughs* I am honoured, the both of you.
[06:31] oniwanbashu: :)
[06:31] oniwanbashu: *Bows*
[06:31] mlina: XD no, we are, if you're cool with it
[06:31] mlina: we go all spazzy over your art
[06:31] mlina: and kam's all adgjklhadfjkladhfjkdhf over prowl, despite him being taken
[06:31] oniwanbashu: :))
[06:31] mlina: preston, rather
[06:32] mlina: then again mmmmmhmmm! we do love men in uniform :3
[06:32] oniwanbashu: Between you two, I figure I can trust my verse fully. ;)
[06:32] oniwanbashu: Go romp around, comrades.
[06:32] oniwanbashu: Preston; Oh god.
[06:32] mlina: Bella; *raises brow* What?
[06:33] mlina: Ina; *narrows gaze* Teh Mistress of Once is love, so no complaining.
[06:33] oniwanbashu: *laughs*
[06:33] oniwanbashu: XDXD
[06:33] mlina: lolz
[06:33] mlina: i picture a page
[06:33] mlina: with you me and kam
[06:33] mlina: drawn by you
[06:34] oniwanbashu: Insanity. And Cait and benjamin will undoubtedly get along well, like a kitten and a puppy.
[06:34] mlina: *smashed piano atop her head to stop pressuring you lolz*
[06:34] mlina: asdgkjhfgklhasdfkjdhf
[06:34] oniwanbashu: *Laughs* That will becomes reailty soon enough. :))
[06:34] mlina: XD don't tell me stuff like that. i am an insane person when asking for stuff
[06:34] mlina: which is why i stress -- i am your fanfic vendo
[06:34] mlina: srsly
[06:34] oniwanbashu: :))
[06:34] mlina: no quarters needed
[06:34] mlina: just click
[06:34] mlina: company paid for the use of it XD
[06:35] mlina: *cranes neck forlornly in the general direction of the floor pantry*
[06:35] oniwanbashu: *Can't laugh anymore. Jaw hurts. X3*
[06:35] mlina: that's how our coffee/choco vendo works
[06:35] mlina: LOLZ
[06:35] mlina: <3333333333
[06:35] mlina: NADZ = SO MUCH LOVE
[06:36] oniwanbashu: anytime I draw a good picture of your verse/you/kam/OCs/whatnot, perhaps you could consider thosse as quarters.
[06:36] oniwanbashu: *chuckles*
[06:36] oniwanbashu: *chuckling is less painful*
[06:36] oniwanbashu: *ha&
[06:36] oniwanbashu: I r loved. I likes.
[06:36] oniwanbashu: XDXD
[06:36] mlina: <3
[06:36] mlina: we rabidly give love
[06:36] mlina: oh and you need to let me know now when your birthday is
[06:36] mlina: XD
[06:36] mlina: so i can start writing XD
[06:37] oniwanbashu: LOL.
[06:37] oniwanbashu: Well.
[06:37] mlina: *looks for that hound drawing that she wants to turn into an icon*
[06:37] oniwanbashu: 29th of June actually.
[06:37] oniwanbashu: X3
[06:37] oniwanbashu: Long time from now.
[06:37] oniwanbashu: kekekekeke.
[06:37] oniwanbashu: Oh lord. That into an Icon?
[06:37] mlina: x3
[06:37] oniwanbashu: Which drawing?
[06:37] oniwanbashu: XDXD
[06:37] mlina: i dunno which one yet, but there will be one
[06:38] oniwanbashu: kekekekekekeke.........
[06:38] mlina: all of them? o.O so you just have to pick?
[06:38] mlina: LOLZ
[06:38] mlina: as for the birthday, plenty of time for me XD lolz
[06:38] mlina: christmas first tho. :3
[06:38] mlina: need to be productive until II decides to cooperate
[06:39] oniwanbashu: *Laughs* *Ow* It's tough writing good passion <===== Is Epic phail at it.
[06:39] mlina: XD
[06:39] mlina: lolz
[06:40] mlina: i've written enough, i think
[06:40] oniwanbashu: *pokes and prods II to get moving*
[06:40] mlina: all things considered
[06:40] mlina: lolz
[06:40] mlina: XD
[06:40] mlina: *is staring at the sketchdump with hound nuzzling ... is that addy???*
[06:40] mlina: *wibbles and morphs into ina, sliding gaze discreetly at rhames* XD
[06:41] mlina: x.x
[06:41] oniwanbashu: Yes that be Addy.
[06:41] oniwanbashu: XDXDXD
[06:41] oniwanbashu: kekekekekekeke
[06:42] oniwanbashu: I CANNAE HELP IT LASS
[06:42] oniwanbashu: Straya <========= BLAMES MAJORLY
[06:42] oniwanbashu: XDXDXD
[06:42] oniwanbashu: Hot men pls. XDXD
[06:42] oniwanbashu: I'm sorry? :))
[06:43] oniwanbashu: Rhames; *eyes Ina susiciously*
[06:43] oniwanbashu: Preston; She won't bite you.
[06:43] oniwanbashu: Rhames; You don't know the half of it.
[06:43] oniwanbashu: *suspiciously* *evidently lack of ZZZZZZS is really getting to me nao* *20 frames more to go*
[06:44] mlina: *HUG?* *feels guilty for keeping you up*
[06:44] mlina: Caitlin; *grins at Preston*
[06:44] mlina: (sorry, her chain got loose, LOLZ)
[06:45] mlina: Ina; *goes back to typing with a pout on her lips because Rhames kills all the fun sometimes*
[06:46] oniwanbashu: Naw, you aint keeping me up. XDXD *pokes work with a spork*
[06:46] oniwanbashu: Uh oh.
[06:46] mlina: Lolz
[06:47] mlina: *pulls out a mini-Punch to help you with your work*
[06:47] oniwanbashu: Preston; *manhandles Benjamin by the collar* Go play with your new friend. *shoves him towards Caty*
[06:47] mlina: *OHKEELS*
[06:48] mlina: Caitlin; *sticks tongue out at Preston and then smishes Ben*
[06:48] mlina: (that ? on her t-shirt was brilliant btw. it suites her perfectly)
[06:49] oniwanbashu: :))
[06:49] mlina: Bella; *sneaks up like Gibbs from NCIS on Rhames and speaks very softly* I've never seen her quite so sobered up, y'know. *smiles*
[06:51] mlina: ANDOMGAVATAR *DEDDEDEDEDEDED* Lolz <-- i just reread your art meme
[06:51] oniwanbashu: Rhames; *Half jumps out of his skin upon being sneak'ded* Out of plain curiosity, what is she like upon consuming something above the state legal limit of alchohol?
[06:51] oniwanbashu: :))
[06:51] oniwanbashu: Does you? kekekekeke
[06:52] mlina: lolz. yes. XD i think i'll get a lot of icons out of this one lolz
[06:52] oniwanbashu: ROFL
[06:52] mlina: Bella; *lifts brow curiosly* Why're you asking?
[06:53] mlina: (x.x; T_________T *want sto smooch him all over again* love that by-the-book language LOLZ)
[06:55] oniwanbashu: Rhames; Plain curiosity. Protocol, you know. (Translation; So I know what the hell I'm up against come Friday Nights and decide whether to categorize it under the green, orange or red band )
[06:56] oniwanbashu: X3
[06:56] mlina: Bella; *shrugs, eyes blinking innocently* Alcohol doesn't hit her. Damn woman doesn't even know the meaning of hangover (since I'm shamelessly basing her off of memememe, yeah that's true). She gets tipsy, starts dancing and the alcohol just leaves her via sweat. *grins and wiggles brows* You takin' her out dancin', Rhames?
[06:57] oniwanbashu: Ohlawd. is that so? XDXDXD
[06:57] mlina: fo'serious
[06:57] oniwanbashu: Rhames <========== Can't hold his liquor to save his life.
[06:57] mlina: i keel over dead asleep, yes.
[06:57] mlina: i get sleepy when drunk lolz
[06:57] mlina: XDXDXDXDXD
[06:57] oniwanbashu: Ina's gonna enjoy that.
[06:58] mlina: *resists the urge to write fic of ina taking him out dancing cos it's only going to end up with them in bed*
[06:58] mlina: yah, she will
[06:58] oniwanbashu: BAHAHAHA. XDXD
[06:58] mlina: i fear for her heart tho
[06:58] mlina: :\
[06:58] mlina: lolz XD
[06:59] mlina: i think the main reason why my boy muses are all going HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD IT! is because they dun wanna do damage control when ina overthinks on everything that rhames does after XD lolz
[06:59] mlina: *insert elevator scene*
[06:59] mlina: Marshall; Hey luv (he's british), why the long face?
[07:00] mlina: Bella; (i have no idea what she does in this verse btw) *patpat Ina*
[07:00] mlina: Ina; *looks like Caitlin waterlogged* He didn't even jump when I tried to harrass him.
[07:00] mlina: Marsh & Bella; *blinky* He didn't?
[07:00] mlina: *elevator PING!*
[07:00] oniwanbashu: :))
[07:00] mlina: Ina; *trudges out* *palmtoface*
[07:01] mlina: i dunno if he really wouldn't react tho
[07:01] mlina: or if he was just so consumed in whatever he was reading
[07:01] mlina: or just plain ignoring her, face in rulebook because he felt redredredredREEEEEEEEEEEED in the face
[07:01] mlina: *shoos naughty thoughts*
[07:01] mlina: damn that man's hot. x3
[07:01] mlina: *sheepish*
[07:01] oniwanbashu: Awwwwww...XDXDXD
[07:02] mlina: :3
[07:02] oniwanbashu: It's likely he was consumed by whatever he was reading. XDXD Unfortuantely, ignoring things, ;articularly her, comes rather hard.
[07:02] mlina: LOLZ
[07:03] mlina: *grabs an awake Jin* Back in the bathroom buster
[07:03] mlina: Jin; But I'm done! And I wanna get a stab at this Rhaaaaaaaaaaaaaames dude.
[07:03] mlina: Jin; ...
[07:03] mlina: Doozy; *yawns* 'mornin'
[07:04] mlina: Me; *smiles angelically, matching halo and swishing tail* Mornin' Poppa Bear :D
[07:04] mlina: Jin; *heads off with withering glare at me to do as i say*
[07:08] oniwanbashu: :))
[07:09] mlina: <-- is making you iconses
[07:09] oniwanbashu: Poor Rhames. No idea of the madness he's about to be part of.
[07:09] oniwanbashu: XDXD
[07:10] mlina: lolz
[07:10] mlina: *preens a little* what does his creator think of what he thinks of ina tho :\
[07:13] oniwanbashu: *Grin evil* She = fun, sassy little thing. And I imagine she'd go good with him too, constantly driving up the walls and stuff, since hell, little girls hate little boys, then they get married (so says the cardinal rule of Getting Some).
[07:13] mlina: (XD)
[07:13] mlina: omgnadzWIN
[07:14] mlina: Ina; *enters elevator with renewed vigor*
[07:14] oniwanbashu: kekekekekeke
[07:15] mlina: <-- lookie
[07:15] mlina: at what i made forchu XD
[07:15] mlina: i need to fix the haille one, gimme sec :) but lemme know if you likey XD
[07:16] oniwanbashu: :)) Awww man these are great! That Evil icon will be put to good use one faiiiiiiinnne day, yissssssss.
[07:16] mlina: XD
[07:16] oniwanbashu: darn it I should colours his puppy. XDXD
[07:16] mlina: lolz
[07:16] mlina: XD
[07:17] mlina: <-- goes off to make more!
[07:17] oniwanbashu: *rolls around undr your chair delightedly*
[07:17] oniwanbashu: I remembered that Straya had a character named Finch, who would enjoy taking the Mickey/teasing of MechRed, cause she actually thought he was cute. She was a sweet thing though. Ina sounds a lot more sassy/dangerous/flirty/mix of the above.
[07:18] mlina: :))
[07:18] mlina: lolz
[07:18] mlina: ina is caitlin!darkside LOLZ
[07:18] oniwanbashu: Holy Hell.
[07:18] mlina: :))
[07:18] mlina: lolz
[07:19] oniwanbashu: Now I can't even comprehend her full capacity, seeing as to Caty is sugarfied cavities redefined, and if she were to be the dark opposite of that, that would mean..............
[07:19] oniwanbashu: D8
[07:19] oniwanbashu: *runs for the hills*
[07:20] mlina: lolz
[07:20] oniwanbashu: Hassan/Hotspot; The horror.
[07:20] mlina: this is the girl who took the after 20 still standing challenge in boracay
[07:20] mlina: :))
[07:20] mlina: there's this place in the middle part of the country
[07:20] mlina: beach and stuff
[07:20] oniwanbashu: uhuh. =3
[07:20] mlina: and there's a place called the coco mangas :)
[07:20] mlina: you get 20 tequila shots. if you make it, you get your name on the wall
[07:21] mlina: ohman, ina is -- was me in college. lolz
[07:21] mlina: only wilder
[07:21] mlina: but still responsible
[07:21] mlina: *thinky*
[07:21] mlina: i think i'll have her take hockey XD as a pasttime lolz
[07:21] oniwanbashu: :))
[07:21] mlina: *files away for further use*
[07:22] mlina: refresh the icon page. :) gave you a coupla new ones
[07:22] mlina: XD
[07:24] oniwanbashu: *Cackles* I thank you. :))
[07:24] mlina: and straya really sounds like fun
[07:25] mlina: she's on lj btw
[07:25] mlina: <3
[07:25] oniwanbashu: *nodnodnod*
[07:25] mlina:
[07:25] oniwanbashu: Heeeee....*jumps over to look*
[07:25] oniwanbashu: She helps run the TFBlogs things. Which is funny as hell.
[07:26] mlina: awesomeness :)
[07:26] mlina: <-- would add but is shy
[07:26] mlina: *stalks instead*
[07:26] oniwanbashu: Especially tha fact that she's in charge of Ratchet and that Ratchet is made of penultimate, cursing-tool tossing-death-threating Win,
[07:26] oniwanbashu: Besides being a Doctor House Fanatic.
[07:27] oniwanbashu: Both their bedside manners is to be marvels at, yes.
[07:27] mlina: :))
[07:28] oniwanbashu: Them Doctors is in da House.
[07:28] mlina: :))
[07:28] mlina: house and ratchet = <3
[07:28] mlina: ohohoh
[07:28] oniwanbashu: Oh, and Ratchet is apparently horryfing at kareoke. Which he attempted after getting drunk on energon. And made Blaster cry.
[07:28] oniwanbashu: XDXD
[07:28] mlina: on a sober note tho, ina would totally freak (hates hospitals) if she found out red was in the infirmary
[07:28] mlina: and THEN she'd hunt down which one sent him there
[07:28] mlina: lolz
[07:29] mlina: o.O
[07:29] oniwanbashu: ROFL
[07:29] mlina: *GRINS AND PLOTS*
[07:29] oniwanbashu: :)
[07:29] oniwanbashu: :))
[07:29] mlina: *imagine this:*
[07:29] mlina: *doors burst open with a very angry ina -- who is really just 5'3'' tall*
[07:29] mlina: Ina; ALRIGHT! WHO DID IT?!
[07:29] mlina: Everyone else in cafeteria; *freeze*
[07:29] mlina: *cannot get the image of lambo twins trying to sneak out under the tables*
[07:30] mlina: cos y'know
[07:30] mlina: it could've only been them
[07:30] oniwanbashu: Wheeljack <====== Happens to be his turn at dinner.
[07:30] oniwanbashu: Wheeljack/Wheedon <====== Is actually horrible at cooking, but believes otherwise.
[07:30] mlina: :))
[07:31] mlina: Ina; *looks like a rabid ... *thinks*
[07:31] mlina: rabid pomeranian! XD *victorious*
[07:31] oniwanbashu: Thefore, the freeze thing would be awesome win, cause she gonna catch half the team attempting to placate their dear Engineer, and trying to dump the foodstuff, before she came in.
[07:31] oniwanbashu: Kekekeke.
[07:31] oniwanbashu: Caught in action.
[07:31] oniwanbashu: WTF rabid Pomeranian XDXD
[07:32] oniwanbashu: That would be quite the image of cute and scary at once.
[07:32] mlina: :))
[07:32] mlina: oh and the newest icon is WIN XD
[07:32] mlina: Caitlin; *blinking at angry Ina, lifts her cake* Cake?
[07:32] mlina: OMGwheredowegethiscrack???
[07:33] oniwanbashu: LOL Caitlyn not getting food poisoning . XDXD
[07:33] oniwanbashu: Wheeljack will loveth her.
[07:33] oniwanbashu: Little darling thing too. XDXD
[07:34] mlina: :))
[07:35] oniwanbashu: I was gonna suggest Chihuanhua instead of Pomeranian. Then I recalled that angry chihuahuas tend to look like this;
[07:35] oniwanbashu:
[07:35] oniwanbashu: and thought beter against it.
[07:35] oniwanbashu:
[07:35] oniwanbashu: X3
[07:35] oniwanbashu: Stick with the fluffy.
[07:36] oniwanbashu: <===== Pomeranian definitely less scaryfing.
[07:37] oniwanbashu: XDXDXD
[07:40] mlina: :))
[07:40] mlina: lolz
[07:40] mlina: i thought of the pom instead of a shih tzu, cos i imagine a shih tzu's exactly what cait would be
[07:40] mlina: ... or a golden ret puppy
[07:40] mlina: :\
[07:41] oniwanbashu: *Laughs*
[07:41] mlina: which reminds me, i have to start writing that fic
[07:41] oniwanbashu: Awwwwwww but Golden Rets is......I cant imagine one of those little angles angry. XDXD
[07:41] mlina: of doozy saying "NO. No dogs." while trying not to succumb to Cait's puppydog eyes.
[07:41] mlina: :))
[07:41] oniwanbashu: DAWWWWWWWWWWW...........
[07:41] mlina: i knoooooooooow.
[07:41] mlina: :))
[07:41] mlina: lolz
[07:41] mlina: bella bought it for her
[07:41] oniwanbashu: what kind what kind?
[07:41] oniwanbashu: XDXD
[07:41] mlina: cos bella's awkward at first when she comes in
[07:41] oniwanbashu: A pom?
[07:41] mlina: shih tzu
[07:41] mlina: tribute to my dog
[07:41] mlina: XD
[07:42] oniwanbashu: XDXD Fluffffffffyyyyyyyyyyy
[07:42] mlina: wanna see peekchur?
[07:42] oniwanbashu: Yespls!
[07:42] mlina: <-- wherein he goes TOYS! ALL MINE!
[07:43] mlina: x.X zomg i raised a 3yrold
[07:43] mlina: most of the inspiration for cait comes from him lolz
[07:44] oniwanbashu: (malaysian word, equivalent of KAWAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIII )
[07:44] oniwanbashu: Just less high pitched.
[07:44] oniwanbashu: X3
[07:44] mlina: :))
[07:44] mlina: lolz
[07:44] mlina: awesome
[07:44] mlina: *SMISH*
[07:44] mlina: i love him
[07:44] mlina: and he hates my pants and shoes XD
[07:45] oniwanbashu: He be snuggly and fluffy and soft-toy-ish. Fweee....
[07:45] oniwanbashu: Why?
[07:45] oniwanbashu: :))
[07:45] mlina: he is XD
[07:45] mlina: thinks he's a person and is wary of dog with black coloring
[07:45] mlina: (my aunt's lhasa apso, all black except for the tuft on his tail *sat* on him)
[07:46] mlina: *shakes head at dodge*
[07:46] oniwanbashu: OUCH
[07:46] mlina: lolz
[07:46] mlina: i KNOW
[07:46] mlina: x.x
[07:46] mlina: well not *sat*
[07:46] mlina: more like *glomp by lying down on punch* let's be friends~!
[07:46] mlina: o.O oih
[07:46] oniwanbashu: :))
[07:46] oniwanbashu: And Punch wasnt quite a willng participant, I warrant.
[07:47] oniwanbashu: kekekekeke.
[07:47] mlina: lolz
[07:47] oniwanbashu: When it comes to dog, I have a heart for Tri-coloureds. Berneses Mountains being my fave.
[07:47] mlina: he'd made it clear he wanted nothing to do with cousin it's incarnation by running away onto the backrest of the couch
[07:47] mlina: where he perched
[07:47] oniwanbashu: Closest I'll get though, is ths soft toy on my bed at the moment. XDXD
[07:47] mlina: awwwww...
[07:47] oniwanbashu: Ahh....
[07:47] mlina: murr
[07:47] mlina: :3
[07:48] mlina: i love small dogs. but i have a passion for golden retrievers and eventually, an irish wolfhound
[07:48] mlina: *sighs*
[07:48] mlina: we don't have space for either at the moment, not that i'd find the latter in this country anytime soon
[07:48] mlina: all my friends go o.O noeyyouwantthatGIANTDOG?
[07:49] mlina: cos the irish wolfhound is the largest in the world and i'm like... tiny. well, height-wise (4'10 3/4'')
[07:49] oniwanbashu: That's around my height as well. XDXD
[07:49] oniwanbashu: Guh.
[07:49] oniwanbashu: The vertically challenged, we people.
[07:50] mlina: :))
[07:50] mlina: i love it tho ;P
[07:50] mlina: hahaha
[07:51] mlina: i was a terror to my hockey teammates
[07:51] mlina: XD
[07:51] mlina: aaaaaaaaaaaand, you now have 9 icons! XD
[07:51] mlina: won't make more so that you can fill em up in the future :3
[07:52] mlina:
[07:53] oniwanbashu: heeeee! Thank you! XDXDXD
[07:53] oniwanbashu: And how exactly were you a terror?
[07:53] oniwanbashu: 8cackles*
[07:53] mlina: lolz
[07:54] mlina: i was a defensewoman first. :) and i guarded my goalie with my life
[07:54] mlina: they compared me to this... annoying fly that wouldn't take a hint :)
[07:54] mlina: and then when i was moved to forward, i was fast :)
[07:54] mlina: we never won when we competed in HK, but we put up a good fight, i like to think
[07:54] oniwanbashu: :)) Good to hear.
[07:55] mlina: i also had this weird way in intimidating some of the boys
[07:55] oniwanbashu: How so?
[07:55] mlina: i make up for my height in personality
[07:55] mlina: in hockey, i'm a guy's girl
[07:55] mlina: i think it's comes from wrestling a lot with nate at home lolz
[07:56] mlina: and i'm quiet in a serious sort of way. most people here think i'm... well the local term is 'mataray'. which is basically i look unapproachable in that girly she-can-kill-yous way
[07:56] oniwanbashu: Oh godz. I did that too when i was younger with my bother/brother. And we'd have mock battles out in the garden. XDXD
[07:56] oniwanbashu: Ahhhhh....
[07:56] mlina: i'm a bit standoffish with boys. don't like being manhandled unless i know you
[07:56] mlina: mostly because i guess my dad's paranoia rubbed off on me
[07:56] oniwanbashu: paranoia?
[07:56] oniwanbashu: your dad?
[07:56] oniwanbashu: =3
[07:56] mlina: dad's not a touchy-feely kind of person
[07:56] mlina: lolz
[07:56] oniwanbashu: Ahhhhhhh.........
[07:56] mlina: with girls, it's ok
[07:56] mlina: but guys.
[07:57] mlina: he gets this look on his face when i make -"beso" (you go cheek to cheek as a goodbye or hello greeting)
[07:57] mlina: with the guys
[07:57] mlina: well, close guy friends
[07:57] mlina: if we're not bus, no, if i like you in a crush-way no.
[07:57] mlina: (the latter because i have a nasty habit of running away)
[07:57] mlina: that one went into bella :)
[07:57] mlina: lolz
[07:57] oniwanbashu: :))
[07:57] oniwanbashu: Oh dear....
[07:58] mlina: yeah
[07:58] mlina: the more distant i am, the more likely i like the guy
[07:58] mlina: but it's hard t'tell unless you're kam or sammu (another friend of mine) cos i'm distant if i don't know them either
[07:58] mlina: give it a few days tho and if i still don't warm up. uh-oh, trouble.
[07:59] mlina: either that or i resort to picking on them. :)
[07:59] mlina: usually the latter's when they're a la greg or maybe even rhames. XD
[07:59] mlina: cos i figure they'll never figure it out
[07:59] oniwanbashu: :))
[07:59] mlina: <-- is weird that way lolz
[07:59] oniwanbashu: My dad <===== probably about as paranoid as yours if not moar. Has stated that if I were to date someone/vice versa, male party needs a resume, three copies. And I doubt he was jokin'. X3
[08:00] mlina: OMG fsrs?
[08:00] oniwanbashu: F SRSLY.
[08:00] mlina: *sighs* fathers.
[08:00] oniwanbashu: XDXDXD
[08:00] mlina: lolz
[08:00] mlina: *can somehow picture doozy being all that when caitlin turns 18*
[08:00] oniwanbashu: I'm still his baby girl despite my age. Being shorter than my brother and looking like a high school kid does not help.
[08:00] oniwanbashu: DAWWWWW...................XDXD
[08:00] mlina: :))
[08:00] mlina: lolz
[08:00] mlina: i understand the feeling
[08:01] mlina: he had this whole "you will still be my baby girl" speech at my debut. :3
[08:01] mlina: debut = big coming out party here, with all the froufrou to make you feel like a princess
[08:01] mlina: :3
[08:02] mlina: aaaaaaaaaaaanyway XD
[08:02] oniwanbashu: :D
[08:03] mlina: lolz
[08:03] mlina: *is trying very hard not to succumb to party!fic*
[08:04] mlina: *shushes muse* Ina! stopit!
[08:04] oniwanbashu: :))
[08:04] mlina: Ina; *whinewhimper*
[08:04] mlina: *ignores*
[08:04] mlina: I swear, lolz. i haven't had this much fun chatting in awhile, chats with kam not withstanding
[08:04] mlina: XD
[08:05] mlina: /random have you read hana kimi?
[08:05] oniwanbashu: hana Kimi?
[08:05] oniwanbashu: I've heard of it, though never read it.
[08:05] oniwanbashu: What's it about?
[08:05] oniwanbashu: =3
[08:07] mlina: lolz
[08:07] mlina: girl pretends to be boy, to meet her sports idol
[08:07] mlina: enrolls in all-boys school
[08:07] mlina: pretty crazy
[08:07] mlina: :)
[08:07] mlina: i could upload you the manga. X
[08:07] mlina: XD
[08:08] mlina: a lot of my icons are from there
[08:08] mlina:
[08:08] mlina:
[08:08] mlina:
[08:08] mlina: i need to reread it
[08:08] mlina: it's LOADS of fun
[08:08] mlina: :)
[08:09] mlina: and the fact that they WAIT SO LONG before the couple in question finally... y'know. kisses. zdfsgjlhasd;fhasdkjh
[08:09] oniwanbashu: :)) I'll look it up. Thanks for the reccomendation.
[08:09] mlina: what's even funnier is that she doesn't intend to love him. just wants to be around him.
[08:09] mlina: and then all the while trying to hide the fact that omgiamaGIRL
[08:09] mlina: and she doesn't know that he knows but is pretending not to know
[08:10] mlina: cos she can't know, y'know?
[08:10] oniwanbashu: *dies at the description*
[08:10] mlina: lolz
[08:10] oniwanbashu: Ah, what tangled love lines we weave
[08:11] oniwanbashu: XDXD
[08:11] oniwanbashu: I read manga, though it's more action-adventure based stuff. FMA, Gensomaden Saiyuki (Love the four), Rurouni Kenshin.
[08:11] oniwanbashu: My sister's into the Pink Fluff that is CLAMP and all related articles.
[08:11] mlina: lolz
[08:11] mlina: i think you'll like this.
[08:11] oniwanbashu: My brother just plain hates anything japanese other than the food. X3
[08:11] oniwanbashu: Spill.
[08:11] mlina: i'm not much of a clamp fan
[08:11] oniwanbashu: Neither am I.
[08:11] oniwanbashu: But I bear with her.
[08:11] mlina: i love bleach and ouran (love!)
[08:12] oniwanbashu: :D
[08:12] mlina: :))
[08:12] oniwanbashu: Ouran? WIN.
[08:12] mlina: if it's cracky then i love it
[08:12] mlina: XD
[08:12] mlina: lolz
[08:12] mlina: <-- has an unwritten au for that
[08:12] oniwanbashu: ooooooooohhhhhh what AU? =3
[08:12] mlina: <-- wherein she pairs eclaire with one of kyouya's older brothers. i dunno which one, as long as it's the one that cried when tamaki played the piano
[08:12] oniwanbashu: (batshit, I'm actually still awake)
[08:13] oniwanbashu: I see....
[08:14] mlina: (ohnoes. i just realized that too ..... x.x go sleep? will stop bothering you now)
[08:14] mlina: yeh.
[08:14] mlina: and seeing as you need to sleep i will reserve that tale for another time
[08:14] mlina: srsly bebe. go rest. x.x if you're done with whatever it was you were doing.
[08:14] mlina: x.x
[08:14] mlina: *offers <3 as peace offering*
[08:14] oniwanbashu: *takes <3 as peace offering*
[08:15] oniwanbashu: Bed. Nao. *tosses bunnies back in hatch*
[08:15] oniwanbashu: *yawns*
[08:15] mlina: lolz
[08:15] mlina: *chu*
[08:15] oniwanbashu: A few hours should do.
[08:15] oniwanbashu: XDXD
[08:15] mlina: bug me later if you can tho?
[08:15] mlina: <3
[08:15] oniwanbashu: of course.
[08:15] mlina: XDXDXD
[08:15] mlina: <333
[08:15] mlina: i will try to write
[08:15] oniwanbashu: It'll be mah pleasure. >3
[08:15] oniwanbashu: heeeeeee...
[08:15] mlina: XD
[08:15] mlina: *CHU*
[08:15] oniwanbashu: *CHU*
[08:15] oniwanbashu: Have a good day at work, darlin'.
[08:15] oniwanbashu: X3
[08:15] mlina: <3333
[08:15] mlina: have a good sleep
[08:16] oniwanbashu: I will.
[08:16] oniwanbashu: *CRASHES*

set aside: chat logs, devart: oniwanbashu, noey fails at funny?

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