two crazed girls: chatlog part uno.

Nov 28, 2007 05:31

Wednesday, November 28, 2007 04:54:11

[04:54] mlina: my brain is so dead
[04:54] oniwanbashu: *Laughs*
[04:54] oniwanbashu: Top of the morning to you.
[04:54] oniwanbashu: ;)
[04:54] oniwanbashu: So is mine D8
[04:55] mlina: :))
[04:55] oniwanbashu: I'm keeping up until five thrity probably, then napping till nine, then back to work.
[04:55] mlina: D: *HOGGLE*
[04:55] oniwanbashu: At work?
[04:55] oniwanbashu: :D
[04:55] mlina: *HOOGLE* rather
[04:55] mlina: yeh
[04:55] mlina: just got in
[04:55] mlina: five minutes before the calls start coming in officially, so i'm just going through all my stuff right now. :3
[04:55] mlina: clearing my email out
[04:55] mlina: D:
[04:56] oniwanbashu: Got tons I bet.
[04:56] oniwanbashu: XDXD
[04:56] mlina: *sighs* internet is dead at home. apparently the specific hub that we deal with is busted. no word on when we'll get back online
[04:56] mlina: :3
[04:56] oniwanbashu: Oh dear....
[04:56] mlina: and emails? D: yes
[04:56] mlina: lolz
[04:56] mlina: it's ok
[04:57] mlina: oh and XD apparently i have to write part II soonish or else kam will have my hide. lolz
[04:57] oniwanbashu: =))
[04:57] oniwanbashu: She read it?
[04:57] oniwanbashu: What did she say?
[04:57] mlina: she had me read it to her on the phone rather, lolz
[04:58] mlina: and she went like this ->> asdf;jadhf;jkdhf;kjasdfh
[04:58] oniwanbashu: Hoooooooooboy.
[04:58] oniwanbashu: :))
[04:58] mlina: WHERE IS II!?!?!?!
[04:58] mlina: WHERE IS II?!?!?!?
[04:58] oniwanbashu: =))
[04:58] oniwanbashu: I ASKES THE SAME THINGSES
[04:58] mlina: because she's read more than her healthy share of the smut implied or otherwise i've written
[04:58] oniwanbashu: *grins lopsidedly*
[04:58] oniwanbashu: Kekekeke.
[04:58] oniwanbashu: Bring on moar smut? XDXD
[04:59] mlina: LOLZ
[04:59] mlina: XD
[04:59] mlina: will do already lolz
[04:59] mlina: oh
[04:59] oniwanbashu: Which reminds me, I have to get my ass back to writing within the damn week. X3
[04:59] mlina: and uh, because it elicited much keeling over dead last night
[04:59] oniwanbashu: Damn my procrastinating behind.
[04:59] oniwanbashu: ROFL
[04:59] mlina: x.x i had the strangest idea involving rhames/red
[04:59] mlina: x.x
[04:59] mlina: last night
[04:59] oniwanbashu: Oooohhhh
[04:59] mlina: and another muse popped up alive
[04:59] oniwanbashu: Splill?
[05:00] oniwanbashu: =3
[05:00] mlina: aaaaaaaaaaaaand kam said OMG NADZ IS INTO CSI TOOO?!??!? DID YOU TELL HER ABOUT OUR CSI DC CREW???
[05:00] mlina: and I went all awdfgkjahdfgkljadhg
[05:00] mlina: x3
[05:00] oniwanbashu: =))
[05:00] mlina: Does Red have an inclination to (i dunno what the term is) passive asthma? lolz
[05:01] oniwanbashu: He most probably does. I can imagine him during times of duress.
[05:01] oniwanbashu: *INHALER* *BEGINS TO FOAM*
[05:01] oniwanbashu: Yes
[05:01] oniwanbashu: *chuckles*
[05:02] oniwanbashu: Very, highly, likely.
[05:02] mlina: well
[05:02] mlina: okay, lemme give you the lowdown first
[05:02] mlina: kam and i cooked up this CSI group, well, they're three people in a special unit.
[05:03] mlina: there's mercy, trace expert; marshall, one of the best criminal profilers ever and then his protege ami.
[05:03] mlina: :)
[05:03] oniwanbashu: *nods*
[05:03] mlina: now it's all there in our heads, i've only ever written... i dunno... one thing for it and kam and i went nuts with convos and stuff
[05:03] mlina: but yeah :3
[05:03] mlina: i could dig them up if you want a glimpse
[05:03] oniwanbashu: Sure thing!
[05:03] oniwanbashu: =3
[05:04] mlina: *makes sheepish face* actually it's mostly ami/greg, which i honestly dunno how that happened (kam's fault really)
[05:04] mlina: :)
[05:04] mlina: lemme just dig it up
[05:04] mlina: but anyways. at some point ami moves permanently to vegas, and someone has to take her place. she was their undercover agent you see. :3
[05:04] mlina: enter ina.
[05:05] mlina: who is... tiny little terror (because i need one like caitlin) dark haired and feisty and an up and coming narcotics agent :)
[05:05] mlina: in the idea in my head it's shan who's worked with her before?
[05:05] oniwanbashu: Oooohhhhhboy.
[05:05] mlina: and somewhere along there she actually gets to meet rhames
[05:05] mlina: who she does not get along with, and constantly pokes at
[05:05] oniwanbashu: It's possible. :)) If you'd like it that way, do go ahead.
[05:05] oniwanbashu: ROFL
[05:05] oniwanbashu: since Ehames is such a stuckler for Protocol, I bet.
[05:06] oniwanbashu: *rhames*
[05:06] mlina: and who she refers to a probably hypochondriac, paranoid schizophrenic (if i spelled that wrong i blame the hour)
[05:06] mlina: but anyway
[05:06] mlina: she's horrible, actually follows him home because she never likes leaving an argument hanging
[05:07] mlina: and somehow, someway, they're arguing with her and him on either side of the bedamned coffee table when his asthma -- something that he hasn't had to deal with in years -- picks up
[05:07] mlina: *insert rhames looking for inhaler only to find that whatever he has is expired*
[05:07] oniwanbashu: Oshit
[05:07] mlina: aaaaaaaaaand because i saw it on lost and my mom says it's possible, ina just pulls out this eucalyptus(sp?) oitment, sits him down and helps him calm down
[05:08] oniwanbashu: Good girlll......X3
[05:08] mlina: *insert asthma -- which is not really asthma more like panic attack that closely resembles asthma (i'm not totally sure if this makes sense but i'll make it make sense somehow) -- and rhames calming down
[05:08] mlina: :3
[05:08] mlina: they're quiet for awhile and lemme just type up the convo that follows:
[05:08] oniwanbashu: alrighty. :))
[05:10] mlina: ina: *waits patiently*
rhames: *breathing steadies*
ina: ... you okay?
rhames: *withering look* not for a lack of you trying to kill me.
ina: *smile quirks, light in eyes*
rhames: *still steadying his breathing* ... what?
ina: *shakes head and doesn't want to needle him for once* nothing.
rhames: *immediately on guard*
ina: *rolls eyes* paranoid idjit. *stands up to head to the kitchen sink*
[05:10] mlina: lemme know if it's all there :)
[05:12] oniwanbashu: :)) It's all there, I think.
[05:12] oniwanbashu: Right up to her going to the kitchen sink.
[05:12] mlina: XDXDXD
[05:12] mlina: lolz
[05:12] mlina: but yeah
[05:12] mlina: i dunno where ina popped out from.
[05:13] mlina: oh and kam supplied another convo, between ina and guyver:
[05:13] oniwanbashu: Rhames Rhames Rhames. XDXD
[05:13] oniwanbashu: Ooh, spill!
[05:13] oniwanbashu: <=== Is the one being hyper today.
[05:14] mlina: g: why don't you cut him some slack, ina?
ina: *BEAMS* because he's so cute when he's flustered, and even hotter when he's mad. *chomps on sandwich*
rest of the boys: *blink*
g: you are one... sick puppy.
ina: *grins and stands up to get a cup of water* whatever gets the job done, my friend.
[05:14] mlina: XDXDXD
[05:14] mlina: i don't mind hyper. i got a decent amount of sleep (i got to crash yesterday, i didn't even realize my dog was chewing my hair)
[05:16] oniwanbashu: *laughs* Ina be wicked. She'll drive Red up the walls for sure, with that attitude, though something tells me she'll fint in perfectly with the ProtectoBrothers.
[05:16] oniwanbashu: *fit*
[05:16] oniwanbashu: As yes. Red is hot when he's mad. XDXD Mech form, or not mech form.
[05:16] oniwanbashu: Kekekekekeke
[05:18] mlina: :))
[05:18] mlina: whoops. sorry, hit the caps key by mistake
[05:19] oniwanbashu: That's what they call themselves. Vierge, when she wrote about them in Scars of Curse, mentioned that Guyver and Beltran, especially, might as well be brothers for the amount of slapping-each-other thay they engage in.
[05:19] mlina: :))
[05:20] mlina: i need to finish reading that :3
[05:20] oniwanbashu: Finn/'Aid is the 'baby brother' of the team. Hassan/Hotspot, the 'eldest', who's always busting the other brothers' skulls when they misbehavin'.
[05:20] oniwanbashu: Shan, the playah.
[05:20] mlina: lolz
[05:20] oniwanbashu: Beltran, the bad boy. Guyver the cool cat.
[05:20] oniwanbashu: X3
[05:20] oniwanbashu: The lot, in a nutshell.
[05:20] mlina: :))
[05:21] mlina: they're amaaaaaaaaaaazing
[05:21] mlina: kam and i both agree that guyver is just adfsgjhadfjk
[05:21] mlina: i can almost picture ina in a shouting match with beltran tho lolz
[05:21] oniwanbashu: They might as well be brothers really. *chuckles* You mess with one, you mess with 'em all. And GuyverBeltran tend to be really protective of the Naieve One, Finn.
[05:21] oniwanbashu: YES
[05:21] oniwanbashu: XDXD
[05:21] mlina: XDXDXD
[05:21] mlina: aaaawwww... FINN
[05:22] mlina: SO MUCH LOVE
[05:22] mlina: UGH
[05:22] mlina: GUH
[05:22] mlina: adfjhasdfjkhasdlfj
[05:22] oniwanbashu: Those two, sound like personalities that will clash head on. Kekekeke, BeltranIna
[05:22] oniwanbashu: :))
[05:22] oniwanbashu: *Finn-Squish*
[05:22] mlina: :x
[05:22] mlina: *grabs caitlin and holds her back, catydid proceeds to flail hands*
[05:22] mlina: OHOHOH
[05:22] mlina: XDXDXD AHAHAHAHA
[05:22] mlina: I have to tell you about this really FUNNEH idea
[05:22] oniwanbashu: Beltran; I think she likes ya. =3
[05:22] mlina: that kam and i were in stitches over
[05:23] mlina: LOLZ
[05:23] oniwanbashu: Guyver; Remember, sixteen'll get ya twenty. XDXD
[05:23] mlina: caty loves everyone. XD
[05:23] oniwanbashu: Finn; NOT HELPING, GUYS.
[05:23] oniwanbashu: tsk tsk tsk.
[05:23] mlina: Bella; Take it easy boys. Caty's like a puppy. *pries my fingers off Catydid*
[05:24] oniwanbashu: :))
[05:24] mlina: Caitlin; *SCHNOOGLE*
[05:24] oniwanbashu: what idea what idea? =3
[05:24] mlina: XD
[05:24] oniwanbashu: Beltran; looks like baby brother's gettin' some. X3 <===== Evil bastard
[05:24] mlina: okay, basically this was when i gave in and decided to think of the kids' alt-modes (doozy has none yet, still thinking)
[05:25] oniwanbashu: Finn; *sighs deeply, but allows schnoggling to go on*
[05:25] mlina: Ina; Right on cue, as always eh, *Bel-y*?
[05:25] oniwanbashu: Uhuh.
[05:25] oniwanbashu: Beltran; I told ya stop callin' me that.
[05:25] mlina: so anyway. everyone in this country pretty much agrees that it's not... in a driver's best interest to own a mini-coop
[05:25] mlina: floods here are NOTORIOUS
[05:25] oniwanbashu: Ouch
[05:25] mlina: Ina; *BIG GRIN*
[05:26] mlina: no really.
[05:26] mlina: i remember a time in HS wherein i was in our gallant (cannot remember the overhead brand name)
[05:26] mlina: and my dad and i were like: "oh ok. now what?" we were all but floating in the flood.
[05:26] mlina: srsly
[05:26] mlina: i kid you not.
[05:26] oniwanbashu: o.O;;;; *sweatdrops*
[05:26] mlina: so.
[05:27] mlina: picture this.
[05:27] mlina: *insert mona (alt mode: i cannot remember, but it's a car, i will ask kam later) and then bella (suzuki hayabusa)* (lemme just type up the convo)
[05:27] oniwanbashu: aye. ;)
[05:29] mlina: M: you should call 'im, chica.
B: you do realize that magnus is going to give me funny looks.
M: you haven't been together for awhile now, and honestly bella-hon, he doesn't *own* you, y'know?
B: still...
[05:30] mlina: (ugh wait brbcall)
[05:30] oniwanbashu: sure
[05:30] oniwanbashu: XDXD
[05:32] mlina: (back lemme finish typing)
[05:33] oniwanbashu: =3
[05:35] mlina: M: you should call 'im, chica.
B: you do realize that magnus is going to give me funny looks.
M: you haven't been together for awhile now, and honestly bella-hon, he doesn't *own* you, y'know?
B: still...
C: *is in the middle of a flood in full minicoop mode* I'm drowning here.
M&B: Sorry, babydoll.
[05:35] mlina: *command center(?), comm link comes online*
B: Command center, this is Bella. Anyone there?
F: *sleepy monotone* Command center here. We hear you. *yawn nodding off*
[05:35] mlina: *at site*
M: *sympathetic smile*
B: *feels confidence deflate (cos she's got a teeny crush on the youngest protectabot and she's horribly self-conscious since she's turning thirty and he's her junior)*
[05:35] mlina: *command center*
B: Uh... Aid? You 'wake?
F: *blinks and then realizes what he's done* Oh... oh... primus, I'm sorry. *smacks face* Bella, yeah. I'm up, what've you got for me.

[05:35] mlina: *at site*
M&B: Sorry honey!!! *sweatdrop*
[05:37] mlina: *command center*
B: *static* Aid, I've sent in coordinates, we'll need you to send Guyver(I forget his bot name) in. Bring a platform. Catydid'll need it.
F: ...? *checking coordinates* I see where you are, what's going on there? You're near a school (University of Santo Tomas, notorious for it's floods even if it's just a brief shower, we have this expression -- if a cat pees there it floods. gross, i know, and sad but could be true).
[05:39] mlina: B: *sighs* Flood. Had a bit of a downpour. Not so bad now but M and I can't get anywhere near our resident baby. So... uh... send Guyver?
F: *static* Sure, no problem. Just let him loose now.
B: Okay.
F: ...
B: ...
[05:39] mlina: M: *lifts eyebrow at Bella*
B: ... *is waiting for Finn to just end the link*
F: ... *is waiting for Bella to end the link*
B: ... well uh... *grimace and smack face* 'bye. *connection closed*
[05:40] oniwanbashu: :)) Oh god. Poor Caitlin. oohhhhhhh.........Bad weather for that specific car build. bad bad bad. And now I have this mental image of her slowly driftig away with the floodwaters.
[05:40] mlina: B: *to Mona* I lose at life*
C: *static* Anyone on their way?
Unison: Guyver's en route, sweetie.
C: *whimper* Okay...
M: ...
B: ...
C: *wail* My upholstery's getting wet!
[05:40] oniwanbashu: *chuckles, risking getting pounded by one of your characters, for finding this situation just a little funny*
[05:40] mlina: x.x i know
[05:40] mlina: lolz
[05:41] mlina: XD
[05:41] mlina: the girls are fine with it
[05:41] mlina: and both jin and doozy are dead asleep
[05:41] oniwanbashu: *sighs in relief*
[05:41] mlina: lolz XD
[05:42] oniwanbashu: *giggles* Poor thing wailing over her damp upholstery makes me cackle. Poor, poor little puppyCait. X3
[05:43] mlina: i need to make a sound file of her voice one day XD
[05:43] oniwanbashu: And bella-finn's conversation has me grinning like a lunatic XDXD Holy.
[05:44] mlina: WHAAAAAAAAAT???
[05:44] mlina: WHYYYYYYYYY???
[05:44] oniwanbashu: I bet he's innocently wondering why she aint hanging up as well
[05:44] oniwanbashu: Nothinngggg...jist I finds it rather amusing.
[05:44] mlina: *bella!muse is trying to keep an eye out for magnus, who i just realized would be much older than her o.O*
[05:44] mlina: :))
[05:44] mlina: well bella's got this girlcrush on him. :)
[05:44] oniwanbashu: But at five and when my grains working like ausfywy89eyrw8ui yuief, anything seems funny, goddamn.
[05:44] mlina: i think it's the sweetness lolz
[05:45] mlina: :))
[05:45] mlina: XD
[05:45] oniwanbashu: *brains* *see, I have lost the capability to spell cohetently*
[05:45] mlina: to me anyway x.x
[05:45] oniwanbashu: X3
[05:45] mlina: :))
[05:45] mlina: ohlol
[05:45] mlina: this = best way to wake up lolz
[05:45] mlina: (and ontop of that I have only had to deal with ONE CALL *cackles*)
[05:46] oniwanbashu: Good to hear. XDXD
[05:46] oniwanbashu: God.
[05:46] oniwanbashu: Sleep. Depriving me of this work is. seek out comfort of bed at six to six thrity or I swear, making it to class shall be an excercise in futility.
[05:47] mlina: oh nadz
[05:47] mlina: *offers you hound wrapped in a box*
[05:47] mlina: i'll write II today. well, i'll try.
[05:48] mlina: i'm still freaking the hell out of both muses by uttering stuff like "no, wait. the scene lacks passion. we need more tension"
[05:48] mlina: Hound&Addyinmyhead: *pulling covers over themselves* DO YOU MIIIIIIIIIND?
[05:48] oniwanbashu: =))
[05:48] oniwanbashu: OH LAWDZ
[05:48] mlina: Me: *all spazzily like Caty* UH.... no?
[05:49] oniwanbashu: *Purrs contentedly* *snuggles box* My own personal Hound, heeeeeee.. <3 *Lets him play with the ten kitties*
[05:49] mlina: :))
[05:49] mlina: lolz
[05:49] mlina: but yeah
[05:49] mlina: ohohoh and kam and i were spazzing over doozy. and how you got his build right
[05:49] mlina: 8D
[05:49] oniwanbashu: Weally?
[05:49] oniwanbashu: =3
[05:49] mlina: yupyup
[05:49] mlina: that is his build
[05:50] mlina: just like we pictured it :)
[05:50] mlina: but you were right about him being a little too old. XD
[05:50] mlina: *pictures doozy years into the future and likes what she sees*
[05:50] oniwanbashu: :))
[05:50] oniwanbashu: Yes Doozy, shave off the years.
[05:50] mlina: and ontop of the immediate insanity we have kam going all OMGOMGOMG I WANNA CROSSOVER GI JOE AND OUR JR XSE
[05:50] mlina: :))
[05:51] mlina: methinks sometimes that TF has driven her nuts. I mean, it was bad when were just dealing with the x-kids
[05:51] mlina: but this? this is insanity
[05:51] mlina: :3
[05:51] oniwanbashu: The world needs more insanity to make it an interesting place. hehehehhee
[05:51] mlina: oh which reminds me. you're going to have to help me fangirl and learn to properly write sooraya, because i find her the most difficult to write out of all the kids
[05:51] oniwanbashu: NORMAL IS OVARRATED
[05:51] oniwanbashu: Ohhhhhhhhh
[05:52] oniwanbashu: *purrpurrpurrrrrrrrrrr*
[05:52] oniwanbashu: I shall try.
[05:52] mlina: :))
[05:52] mlina: lolz
[05:52] oniwanbashu: Tell me how exactly I can help. Since I'm quite familiar with her characerization/customs.
[05:52] oniwanbashu: Kekekeke
[05:52] mlina: that's mostly my problem. :) and we'll work something out eventually
[05:52] mlina: :)
[05:53] mlina: *prods you in general direction of earth626*
[05:53] mlina: join the insanity my friend x3
[05:53] oniwanbashu: Ouch ouch ouch I'ma goin I'm goin'. XDXD
[05:53] mlina: :))
[05:53] mlina: XD
[05:53] mlina: *oh and i just realized that ina wandered off to either scare the daylights out of rhames or attempt to strike a point with beltran LOLZ*
[05:54] oniwanbashu: heh, Josh Guthrie! Hrrrrrrr.........
[05:54] oniwanbashu: I always had this thing in my head of him and Sooraya getting along one day, if ya catch my driftt....
[05:54] oniwanbashu: it's too bad he died, really.
[05:54] oniwanbashu: ROFL Ina. XDXD
[05:55] oniwanbashu: The first would be an easy task to achieve/
[05:55] oniwanbashu: yes
[05:55] mlina: -nods- it's the fandom consensus that they should have been together
[05:55] mlina: he's alive in 626, but nothing's happening between them : x
[05:55] oniwanbashu: Awwwww..X3
[05:55] mlina: i think it's the fact that my brother rearranged all the teams and stuck them together
[05:56] mlina: the consensus amongst all my friends is that they want jay with kam's ofc, ellie. who cannot talk, because, if you've watched heroes (which came AFTER we conceptualized her, mind you), she's like eden
[05:57] oniwanbashu: I see.......:))
[05:57] mlina: yeh
[05:57] oniwanbashu: Hoooboy......I remember watching Heroes when it first came out. Was interesting at first, but I got lost later on. @_@
[05:57] mlina: i'm the mod for the jay guthrie comm on LJ
[05:57] oniwanbashu: and have been ever since.
[05:57] mlina: lolz
[05:58] mlina: i lost interest after awhile. i dunno, it was slow.
[05:58] mlina: i'm happy with x-men XD
[05:58] oniwanbashu: I second that notion.
[05:58] oniwanbashu: =3
[05:58] mlina: :))
[05:58] mlina: if you've a mind to drop in:
[05:59] mlina: there area couple sooraya/jay fics there. :)
[05:59] mlina: pretty good ones, if you ask me :)
[05:59] oniwanbashu: Thank you! XDXD *goes to hoard*
[05:59] mlina: we like to keep the overgrown canary alive. because inasmuch as i fangirled leinil yu, the writers still pretty much suck in what they're doing right now
[05:59] mlina: XD
[05:59] mlina: lolz
[05:59] oniwanbashu: ROFL

continued [here]...

set aside: chat logs, devart: oniwanbashu, noey fails at funny?

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