at work: randomness because i can;

Jul 12, 2007 07:36

Just another day at the office.

Browsing through my entries, I'm beginning to wonder if I should be weirded out that I keep on posting about work -- or at least that I constantly mention work. It should be boring, really, considering that all I do all day is sit infront of a computer and tend to calls and stuff, but the amount of funny is just pain amusing when you really think about it.

I get along with a lot of the boys here because odd as it may be, I actually share a lot of "childhood interests" with them. Transformers is the running trend, even while Starcraft rears it's head. I've already lent out the G1 dvd, and on occassion, when on a call, someone walks by my station to pick up the meal-toy Bumblebee that I bring with me to work.

I guess I can blame them then, for this whole "revisiting my childhood" kick. Which I don't really mind since it sort of makes me all fuzzy inside in good ways. A previous post had me talking and thinking on all the meal collectibles that my family's managed to... well, collect all these years and suddenly I have this unbelievalbe urge to dig up all my Care Bears (I loved Cozy Heart Penguin best just cos I didn't have a Goodluck Bear), my Bumble Lion, all my Rainbow Brite poseable figurines and just... I dunno. Put them out for display.

And well, hell. I haven't had time to dink around with my G.I. Joe trucks, and they're just sitting in the living room all dusty and desperate for a wash. We dug them up since there's all the fixing going on at home. We're losing the the other two rooms upstairs you see, since the person who owns the whole compound is taking back some of the empty apartments to rent out.

Not really looking forward to having neighbors. I keep on thinking about how they might be careless enough to run over the cats, or just the plain fact that they are people I don't know... and well. Yeah.

Trying to keep my mind on the happy tho, because it's something that keeps me level-headed. So yeah, when they dug out the trucks from storage I went all: ZOMGTHEYFOUNDMYBIGASSTRUCK and all but spazzed out in the yard.

x.x; Mom even said she found my Captain Power figure (again, someone who I grew up sharing only with my brother _thenothing_) . ;____; I want to get him from her, but then I remember that I... sorta... snapped him in two (ACCIDENTALLY!) and I go all *guh* inside. It's a sort of consensus between me and my Quality Analyst Ian, that the people figures that were made back in the 80s and early 90s just... well... sucked. Because while you could make them twist at the waist and stuff, if the rubber-band that held the upper and lower torso together snapped... well... bye-bye. ^^;

Thinking on that now, I can't help but remember how I got that figure in the first place. x3 *sheepish* There are only two individuals who I will refer to as "Captain" -- one is the man MARVEL has apparently buried (ugh) and the second won me over because I was in the toy section of Harrison Plaza back when I was about three or four, and there was this guy dressed up as Captain Power -- handsome guy, if memory serves me right (it's a running joke that I apparently could spot good-looking guys even at that age) -- who was wandering around.

I dunno if my memory might be failing me, but he called me "Little Miss" or "sweetheart" or some other endearment like that.

These days, someone dressed up in a costume in the toy store tells you that, there is a high likelihood that the reaction will be: o_O ohnoescreepyoldermanNoeyrunrunrun. But really, back then it was just some guy playing a part of this character who was winning over little boys who wanted to be heroes like him, or in this case, a little girl who was poking around for Duke or Flint or hell, Snake Eyes. ^^; And yeah, he won me over. For the longest time, I actually believed that Cpt. Jonathan Power walked through my toy store.

So anyway, yeah. I grew up weird. At least by the standards of the people who knew me, but didn't know my interests. x] I had comic books, trucks of the varying kind, LEGO, Teddy Ruxpin--

(Btw: Why is it that nobody who I know -- other than my parents and aunts and uncles -- knows teh Ruxpin??? *boggles the mind)

Barbie, cos well, yeah, all girls had Barbie. x] My favorite was the sleepover set. Cos they didn't break. I liked the brown-haired girl better than Barbie herself. Why? Because I'm not blond and have never wanted to be, lol. And then there were the multitudes of kitchen play-sets, that big plastic pail of little green soldiers like the ones in Toy Story, and whole lotta lovable junk that I'm quietly thankful that Mom hasn't thrown out. I had walkie-talkies and Laser Tag guns, and Nate _thenothing_ and I would go pretend we were soldiers in some future war (lol, Firefly much?).

And of course there are the incidents of sticking balikbayan boxes together and making a "box house" as opposed to a treehouse. And the hand-drawn Rescue Rangers insignia stuck with double-sided tape (which I thought was the greatest invention since TV).

Oh and yeah. I used to want to be part of a rock/pop band. I wanted to be Jem with pink hair... or maybe Kimber cos she deserved more love, or Stormer because she was pretty and sweet despite being a MISFIT. I had delusions of grandeur, which I revisited this morning as Dad drove me to work, Solid HarmoniE playing "I Want You To Want Me" with me singing along. x3

Lol. I'll stop now. And making mental note that I HAVE TO find Hopsy. She's got to be in my cabinet somewhere. x.x Stuffed rabbits are teh win.

Edit: 8:47am
They're bringing Ruxpin back. D: I want one. Maybe I can save up to buy one.
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