Feb 28, 2004 12:48
Sara! I think KANSAS sings that song! Am I right?
Well, I was off the week after Valentine's so that was nice. I got caught up on all of my doctors' appointments, cleaned the whole apartment really well, even though the dust bunnies are back, and caught up on work. It was very restful and refreshing.
For Valentine's weekend, John and I went up to Stockbridge, Mass. It was a lot of fun! We went to the Norman Rockwell museum, saw a local band, and went outlet shopping. We stayed at a really pretty B and B. Lovely weekend.
It was back to work last Monday. A good week, though. I've been getting my class prepared for state testing...tests by the way which the state has decided don't count for third grade anyway...it's a field test, so we're putting these little 8 and 9 year olds through the torment of a hard test when they don't even count. Huh?
Last night, John and a residency friend of his stood on line at TKTS and got the 3 of us tickets to see Movin Out. It was soooo good! One guy does all the signing with a full band and the dancers act every scene out in dance. No talking. It was amazing! It's so cool how all of Bill Joel's songs, when put together, tell a real story! I just loved it! We also went to dinner at Bubba Gumps! It's a new restaurant in the Brodway district with Forest Gump as the theme. Nearly everything on the menu is shrimp!
What else? Oh, we're planning a 60th birthday surprise party for John's mom for the 20th. We've invited all of her friends.
A lot of you have been mentioning going to the gym. I'm an exercise video person, myself. If anyone's interested, I found a series of videos that are really good...The Crunch gym, especially Pilates and Cardio Crunch. There's also a good 10 minute ab video that's good for when you don't want to do anything but guilt yourself into doing at least something. I got them all at Borders.
Well, everyone enjoy the beautiful spring like weather? Oh, has anyone seen The Passion of the Christ? Not me. I consider myself a spiritual person but I have no desire to see it. Not for me.