We've had some beautiful weather, temperatures in the sixties. The snow is melting almost as you watch. Which means everywhere you look is either mud or puddle. So you have a choice of walking through swamp or a lake.
Which brings us to ducks. Madison never really had many pigeons, and since the hawks have made a comeback, we've had even less. What we have spring to fall is ducks. Which given that Madison is a city built between four lakes really isn't too surprising; but I don't mean the ducks in the lakes and rivers. We have plenty of those, but any big puddle usually has a duck in it. Maybe two. So an early morning walk with the dogs can end up causing quite a lot of noise, when most people are still tucked in bed.
Next come the ducklings. Yes, cute, but not when traffic is backed up two blocks waiting for mama and babies to waddle across the street. I really think I'd rather have pigeons.
I've been reading Sarah Dunant's
In the Company of the Courtesan: A Novel, and enjoying it muchly. Dunant does such a good job of giving you the taste and feel of Renaissance Italy, the religious fervor, of the intelligent but trapped women of the time. I first started reading her after
The Birth of Venus was released. After enjoying that book, I tried to read her other books but that's not happening. She seems to lose the plot and just meander into uninteresting side tracks with books in contemporary times. I think she's found her grove in intelligent Renaissance women trying to carve out a life in oppressive circumstances.
In other ridiculous news, I've gotten into a pissing match on
starwars_eu for no other reason than, if I see Zahn is a great writer, one of the greatest writers ever! nonsense one more I just might scream. This is as annoying as the Joss is God on Whedonesque. No Zahn isn't a great writer, Joss isn't God, can't we just enjoy the fandom without making it the best thing since sliced bread?