Announcement time

Sep 11, 2008 00:45

This may come to a shock to some of you. Some, it may not. But in the next eight weeks or so, I feel this information may be viable to save some lives.

I am a moderate. That means I am not as conservative as some of you think and I’m not as liberal as some of you think. I’m “middle of the road.” My battle cry is, “Be rational!”

Everything having to do with this year's presidential election is far, far removed from “be rational.” First of all, last time I check, no one elected has brought about the end of the world. I know GWB tried, but he didn’t succeed. The world did not end; life as we know it did not cease to exist. So, I sincerely doubt Life, the Universe, and Everything hangs in the balance for this election.

Please stop acting like it is. You can like or dislike whomever you want, but I promise you: the world will not end if they are elected.

Second, and most importantly, EVOLVE! My God, people, the smear tactics and blind loyalty have not improved since our forefathers time (yes, I watched John Adams on HBO. Despite myself, I learned a little of our history). You who believe in evolution, well, do it. Look at what came before and do better. And you believe in Creationism, really look at how Jesus Christ lived and walk in the sandal steps.

Don’t worry about what your neighbor is doing either. Eyes on your own desk. You can’t be doing your best if you busy looking for others to tattle on.

And finally, turn off Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc. Don’t listen to them. They are in love with the sounds of their own voices. They are trying to make money. They do not report the news. They do not give out useful or helpful information. They stopped doing that some time ago when news stopped being an hour show a night with Walter Cronkite smoking at his news desk and became a twenty-four hour news channel. Now, they fill up time to sell to sponsors. They do not care about any type of journalistic integrity.

Go. Seek out the real news where you can find it. If you’re watching any local news at night, hit yourself with a hammer on your head until you can’t feel it anymore. Strike it rich with grey matter.

P.S. This is not an invitation to discuss your political views. Quite frankly, I am sick to death of everyone’s political views because everyone “feels” or “believes” theirs is the most important and the most right. Sorry, they are, but only to you.

P.P.S. Growing up, I can remember how my parents wouldn’t tell me for whom they voted. My mother said it was a personal issue and best not to discuss it. At the time, I thought she was just holding secrets from me. Now, I understand the true, true wisdom of her ways.

rants, politics, announcement

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