Tiger Woods: he's human. He has problems. Get over it already. I am sick to death of the trouncing of his ass because he has personal issues. I never heard him claim he was greater than human. If you put him on the pedestal, that's your problem. Shut the fuck up and leave him alone. I tell you what, how about we dig through your life and drag out every personal, embarrassing incident to be tried in the court of public opinion. Sound good?
Adam Lambert: did you see his cock? Shut the fuck up. What he did was no more shocking that what Madonna did two decades ago. The only difference is he's gay and has a penis. Oh, no! Let's stop pretending that sex is taboo. We have the Internet now.
Tareq and Michaele Salahi: can everyone go back to ignoring these douches? They crashed a party. No one died. The world did not come to an end. Who the fuck cares? Would it be too much to ask that time, energy, and attention be paid towards someone who actually did something other than show up? Their douchebaggery shouldn't cost three jobs.