Aug 28, 2007 11:07
Just a quick update to let you all know what I've been up to lately thath as caused me to not be able to write in forever (if anyone even cares, lol). I've been going through RA (re-)training the last week or so and so it's kept me busy constantly throughout the day. A lot of the stuff I already knew so it's a little frustrating, but some is new and interesting. I was excited to get back and get ready for the year but at the same time traning stuff can be very stressful because most of what we work on is done in a large group (which is over a hundred RA's and HD's) so it's chaotic, nobody knows what we're doing, it's loud, un-focused and just a huge cluster fuck of chaos! I have to say that these group dynamic situations are EXTREMELY frustrating to me, I can't stand being in a huge group with no focus; people are talking everywhere, shit's hitting the fan and typically nobody can wrangle the mass confusion. I hate to sound like my grandfather but "Jesus Christ, I just don't understand it". Because of the stress, I'm having an acne outbreak, which in turn stresses me out even more (it's a vicious cycle, lol). Hopefully once all the saw dust clears things will settle down to a manageable level and I can get back to normal.
My added job responsiblities this year include being the Manager of the ER (Exciting Resources) room. I am in the process of trying to hire 3 staff members to help me maintain the area as well as provide resources and assistance to the patrons of the ER. Of course, I have received no training on the hiring process so I'm kind of on hold right now just collecting applications. It should be interesting and I think it will be well within my talents and abilities--dare I even say, it might be fun? Who knows!
Oh, I did an impromptu safe space training this morning for returning RA's because nobody else was around who could do it. It went over much better than I thought it would. I shared my personal experiences and opened the floor up to questions about, well, anything! It was a good discussion and I think a lot of people got their questions answered that would normally not be acceptable to ask--I'm an open book like that--no sense in beating around the bush or being PC, just ask me anything is the attitude I took with it. Good times, I think they got a lot out of it.
We had a gnarly storm last night (and another two nights before) I accidentally left the lounge windows open so our carpet is soaked, whoops! LOL... We might get another storm tonight too! I love storms, even if they do set off the sirens at 3:30 in the fuckin' morning for it... heh...
I think that's pretty much all that's on my mind right now, I'll have another entry coming soon for some details and other personal things--keep an eye out for that. Lata!