We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Dec 24, 2007 15:14

Just wanted to sneak in here for a moment and wish you all a Merry Christmas. Maybe by Wednesday things will have slowed down enough for me to catch my breath and catch everyone up. Way too much partying for an introvert, I must say. I'd like to postpone the holidays for about a week while I curl up in bed and see Imriel safely home. Alas, the world turns whether you wish it to or not.

*hugs flist*

By the way, the people I've sent Christmas cards to in the past.... Well, they're still sitting on my coffee table waiting to be finished. I said I wasn't ready for Christmas. *g* They might make it out before New Years or I might call it a wash this year. Haven't decided yet. Tonight I'll be busy wrapping presents.

Anyway, off I rush again. Merry Christmas!!


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