Miranda -- Almost Seven Months In

Feb 01, 2011 23:10

Miranda will be seven months old on this coming Sunday. She's doing just about everything right on schedule. She's been getting more and more stable sitting up, and has been trying to move from sitting up into a sort of crawling position. I usually try to prevent that particular maneuver, though, because it often means face planting on the floor in front of her. When I get her set up on a soft surface though, she can practice all she likes.

She's got two teeth, bottom front incisors, and several other that are so close to erupting I can see them.

She has started to be afraid of strangers, but not all the time. It comes and goes, but if she's already upset, she doesn't want anyone to hold her except for me or Ray. Conversely, she's still one of the happiest babies I've ever known. She smiles and laughs so freely, it just makes you love her that much more.

We've been taking her to a swim class for the past four weeks. It's a silly little thing, mostly about singing songs and splashing, and a little floating supported on their backs. It's fun, though, even though it doesn't seem like anyone is learning anything.

She has been eating solid foods pretty regularly since we got back home from the holidays. We try to give her at least one meal of solid food every day. It's all stuff I made ... so far she hasn't eaten anything store bought. (I mean, the fruit and vegetables came from the store, but not in jars, and I haven't bought her any food marketed for babies.) Her favorites seem to be peas, sweet potatoes with black molasses, and avocados.

Also since we've been back from the holidays, she's been sleeping in her crib in her own room. That usually only works for part of the night, and she almost always ends up in bed with us by morning, but it's a step in that direction. I wasn't in any hurry to get her sleeping in her crib, but it turns out that we all, even Miranda, sleep better when she sleeps in her own room. Unfortunately, the days of her sleeping through the night have slipped into my memory. These days, she wakes up at least once, but more often twice each night. And nursing is still the best way to get her to sleep.

We've gone out a few times without her, leaving her with a sitter or my mom, so far. It's still a little stressful, but also really, really nice to have a real date with Ray. I spend so much time with my tiny girl. We are together almost all day, every day, so it seems so strange to be without her for any period of time. I tell myself that if I had a job (and when I get a new job), she'd be in daycare all day, but I just can't imagine it yet. It would be nice to have time to focus on other things, but nine to ten hours a day apart still seems ridiculous. For now, the only time we spend apart is for specific tasks or event. I take Ollie for a walk, and as soon as that's done, I'm back with Miranda. Ray and I go out to a show, and as soon as it's over, we're back with Miranda. It's a little weird to have my time both so unstructured and so structured at the same time.


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