lol no we went to the sierra's. we had to leave though, because the snow covered the grass so we couldn't graze our horse. It wasn't suppost to snow :)
BTW, should I slog back through the mega-post I left before you disappeared and give you a quick summary so we can pick up where we left off, or what?
On the one hand, I /was/ looking forward to an answer to some of the questions I asked. On the other hand, it was like INFINITY-PLUS-SEVEN PAGES LONG. (It was lengthy, see, is what I'm gettin' at. Also, wordy.)
it was a fun trip though we got caught in the snow
On the one hand, I /was/ looking forward to an answer to some of the questions I asked. On the other hand, it was like INFINITY-PLUS-SEVEN PAGES LONG. (It was lengthy, see, is what I'm gettin' at. Also, wordy.)
The choice is yours! /So make it wisely/.
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