Hey look, a dinosour washed up on shore....

Jun 22, 2004 00:04

Yes, the title is an acctual line that i said today, but its context was a lot funnier. Melissa and I went down to Old Silver beach today. it was nice, I hant been to a Cape Cod beach in a while. The water was cold but you get used to it after a while. Had fun picking on her in the water, like throwing her into the wave and into water that is deeper than she is tall (which isnt hard to do). It was good times, otherthan the seagulls harassing us after she gave them a shit load of cracker crumbs. And no bad sunburn today. My infamous line from being at the beach last year with Chris kept running through my head ("Oh, I dont burn, I just tan") so I made sure I eventually put the suntan lotion on. Evidently melissa got some burns on some odd places, like the back of her ankles and such, I didnt. HAHA.

What else has been up. Still no job. I know I need one soon. Damn best Buy hasnt called me back still. Been almost a week.

Sunday I played softball like usual. And like usual, we lost. my batting average isnt all that great this year, been lining out a lot. Had a nice line drive double though on sunday and scored a run.

Saturday. I did nothing. My phone wasnt working (mainly cause I threw it against a wall cause my brother pissed me off, sorry Jamie for not calling but thats why I didnt) and I couldnt get a hold of anyone.

Friday I went to my grandmother in Providence. Then went out with my mom for a bit. After that i went and picked melissa up and headed out to the woods of western mass. Went to the holyoke mall for a bit while we waited for Ryan to get back from soundcheck and then went to his house and hung out with him for a bit, wathed some Sopranos and Family guy. Then we headed to the show in NOHO. Got some Nina's pizza and saw the show. Saw some of Folly's set (eh, not bad for a hardcore band; TONS of energy). Skeptics played last (yeah, we missed more than half of the show, kinda sucks that I missed No Intention, but some gay band dropped out and they got bumped up. So the skeptics played. Gave a good set, not great, I have seen them better, but it was good. I got the EP for Wu, opened it up cause I wanted to listen to it and then saw my name under the "Thanks" in the liner notes and was pretty surprised by it.

So thats my weekend. Backwards.

Coming Up soon:

Possibly Seeing Farenheit 9/11 with The M(a)cDonald Brothers (Bob and Tim)
Cookish's Grad party
More softball
The hunt for a job
Never Ending struggle with being single
3rd & 4th of July
Steves Grad party
Klinger's Grad party
And hopefully some beer and sox and boston stories to get mixed in as well.

Bed time now for me.

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