We're going from
Made using: PS CS 8.0
Oh my!
orangeinsanity's first tutorial, please be nice! ^^
The lovely person in the icon is Mika Nakashima, a Japanese singer/actress.
So take your picture and crop it down to 100x100 pixels.
Duplicate the layer (Layer->Duplicate Layer).
Next Sharpen the layer once, then blur the skin(*you don't have to do this, but its what I usually start off with).
Then using the circular marquee tool (
) and circle around the pupils.
um wow scary pic!
Click the new fill/adjustment layer by clicking the circle thats half dark. See image below for clarification, I obviously do not know how to explain things well. (*You can also get this by clicking Layer->New Adjustment Layer->Hue/Saturation in the menu list).
Then use these settings(Make sure "colour" is checked),
HUE: 122
(*You can mess around with these settings or omit it all, I just wanted some colour in the eyes).
Next, using the square marquee tool (
) mark half the icon, or however much you want to show.
Make a new layer, and fill it with whatever colour you like. I used, "#FF0000" (RGB Red), then set the layers Opacity to "Screen">
This is what it should look like now,
Make a new layer and using the square marquee tool, make another rectangle a little less than half of where the red it, then fill it with "#EFE6AA".
It should look like this:
and you layer menu should look like this,
Then using this texture,
(which I am almost positive is by
arisubox. Please correct me if I'm wrong), flip it horizontally (Edit->Transform->Flip Horizontally) and place it a little after the beige/yellow chunk.
It should look like this,
Create a new layer and use this brush (
) from
Jenn's Sanity, as white, on the top right corner to get this, (*if you do not know how to instal a brush from an image
read this Create a new layer, fill it with white, "#FFFFFF", and create a layer mask (
), and use this brush
(by ??? I am sure they are in my
resources, but Im not sure who exactly made it, if its you, please let me know). If you are just copy + pasting the brush, then set the layer to screen.
Your layers should look like this,
Your ending results!
Now I wanted to add another brush for no reason, so I quickly made this,
(you are free to use that without credit)(
save as a brush and then choose the colour black) and voila!
Comments are welcome, its my first tutorial so if somethings not clear you are free to ask. I started with a black and white photo, so if you are using a colour, you can either make it black and white yourself or leave it colour.
results will vary from picture to picture.