Ada's OLPC

Apr 28, 2010 20:55

After the Linux conference a while back, Rodger was lent an OLPC laptop for Ada to use. I was sceptical, because I'm mainly focused on making sure she can throw and catch balls, sing, swim, and enjoy stories.

Turns out she loves it. He's got it set up in the living room, where our computers live. She sat down after dinner tonight, while I tidied up a bit, and quietly started typing.

She asked for help, eventually, because she wasn't sure of some spellings, which is when I saw what she was up to.

Here's what she wrote: 0123456789101112131415

She wanted my help for 12 and up. I'm impressed that she starts with 0.
She can't write recognisably, but she really seemed to enjoy having some control over the symbols that run so much of her life.
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