noah's comment with this clip from Mike Judge's Idiocracy is genius:
"everyone sounds like President Kamacho talking about Not Sure when they talk about Obama:
Click to view
i've had the same fear and feel like the problems in this country/world grow from people expecting other people to take care of them and do what's right when all the while they are too pussy/abused/stupid to take care of themselves or anyone else and too pussy/abused/stupid to do what's right - and i can't blame anyone, either - i've been through a lot, too.
but yar, this is why i didn't vote, because i felt that if McCain won, then people might actually wake up and be forced to take charge of their own lives - and if Obama won that hopefully he'd inspire people to take charge out of hope rather than fear
::shrug:: either/or with me, though i'm glad obama won, :1, cause it's been hard generating hope and living as if i were supported by my country (in education, in healthcare, etc.)
anywho, so instead i spent election day and night and the next 2 days with 13 rad other people in the middle of the oregon woods out of cell-phone reception learning skills and by experience, how to work as a team and develop a team
oh, and i personally slaughtered a rabbit in a good way and then skinned and processed it and then made stew and ate some of it, heh
i had a conversation with my friend gabe where i noted that i want to have a similar direct relationship with all the meat i eat in the future: either raised by friends/neighbors in the best way or wild (preferably), and slaughtered and processed by my own loving hands or those of a friend. gabe replied with a flushed face saying, "it's the same for plants for me, though, too." and i agreed and hold that same intention for just about everything that could be tended & prepared or made (like objects, tools, etc.) in a highly-competent, highly personal way.
i digressed from my original point, but it's true. basically i just want everything to be an artistic creation and ideally the art of my friends, :1