...Of My Body: Self Massage.
Do you know how it seems like it'd be easier to sexually please a partner in a confident way after you already are comfortable pleasing yourself?
Well, I believe the same is true with Body Massage (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww3GTNv9hHk ). Once I know my whole body and can induce a cathartic release whenever I wish, I'll be better able to share this with others, :1. This last part is important to me cause if I'm all loose and chill as hell, it may be more difficult to remain that way if everyone around me is still way tense, stressed out, and
stiff, you know?
Any, each, and all of your muscles & tendons can be like jello puddin' if you like. For me, as I continue 8-Year Old Style Stretching, Body-Energy-Use-Awareness, and Body Massage, I am freeing up energy formerly held up in and used up in tensing my body. As I free up extra energy I unconsciously use it to experience other sensations better. For example, my sense of touch has increased dramatically, and all my old well-worn-in clothes feel SO good on my body at all times, heh.
My YouTube video on this jaun:
Click to view