Mar 26, 2010 17:29
Lots of confusing bits, because I woke up WAY too early and kept weaving back and forth between consciousness, and there were lots of dreams-within-dreams.
A lot of it can probably be blamed on Homestuck for how it tied different worlds and scenarios together, and I'm pretty sure I was John Eggbert (but named Dave Strider?) for bits of it. Probably have Nate to blame for all that, since we spent an all-nighter last week catching him up on it.
The main part I remember was... a slasher movie, essentially, that took place on halloween. Only the slasher had been set up by these extradimensional monster-aliens who could look like people if they wanted. It took place at the old New Paltz Middle School, of all places (a fitting setting for a nightmare, I suppose) and there were lots of Wayfinder folk around.
It was my job to figure out who was murdering all these people, and new murder victims kept turning up left and right. I isolated the person who was connected to all the victims and j'accuse'd! him, but at that moment Trine killed him with two knives and laughed ear-splittingly. She had clearly been driven insane by the aliens.
"Of course! It was Trine all along!" And then she stabbed me a bunch in the torso, because I tried to arrest her.
I stumbled (confused over why I was still conscious) to the nurse's office. I thought maybe the nurse was an alien monster because she didn't recognize me, but then again, she hadn't seen me in 11 years. And I woke up as she was putting me under.
Will post more in comments if I remember any whole chunks.
alternate dimensions