(no subject)

Feb 20, 2008 09:03

this morning at the dentist, just as i was being eased back in the chair for some ripe tooth pickin', steeler's wheel's "stuck in the middle with you" came on the radio.  Not a comforting song to hear when it's tied to that lovely scene from Reservoir Dogs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awMQC0-6RTM).

what ever happened to regular liquid soap?  how come every place you go now has that half water/half soap foam stuff?  i don't like it.  i really don't feel like i'm getting my hands clean.

we're more or less moved in to the house.  we still have a load left at erin's and then we'll be done.  this isn't to say that we actually have everything put away.  far from it.  there are boxes everywhere.  but we're in and it's been wonderful so far.
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