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Feb 10, 2008 21:58

i really dislike wallpaper.

we painted the dining room tonight and the ceiling in the living room.  the former went quickly because julie came down and helped out.  at the moment it looks kind of blotchy, but it was just the first coat so hopefully the second one tomorrow will even it out a bit.  the ceiling in the living room could turn into a potential headache.  we left an old, old sheet of wallpaper up there.....it was buried under another layer that we took off (we being erin, julie, and blade).  this older layer would be tough to get off in large hunks so we decided it would be best to just paint over it.  but it's old....so flakes of it keep coming off, seesawing their way down to the floor (which i still need to clean).   so the ceiling is painted (and it looks okay at best, mostly due to the fact that i think dirt got into the roller or the paint).  tomorrow i'm buying all new rollers for the second coat in the dining room, both coats in the living room, and possibly another coat on the living room ceiling.

i can't wait until this part is done.  then we'll move in and hopefully the bigger projects won't seem so bad.  and really....after painting and finsihing the hardwood floors, there isn't much left.  glassblock windows....that's the next thing.

it's been a busy weekend.  and i am going to bed.
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