Nov 04, 2008 01:11
So I drove down to Chesapeake VA tonight ... the drive was cool, gave me a chance to listen to the radio and talk on the phone... I used up like 60 of my anytime minutes! Yikes! No worries I only use about 200 anytime minutes a month anyway, so I have a few to burn haha. Eff roll over! I have a date tomorrow ... it's with a new guy. That should be fun, I have high expectations ... there I go with that "E" word again, oh well I have standards, what more can I say?
It's raining cats and dogs in Chesapeake. figures. Now I have to wait in the rain in order to vote and I'm out in the boonies so there will be mud all over my pretty pretty Timberland boots. Damn you Mother Nature!!!!! Damn you to HELL! *shakes fist at nature*
I never take myself too seriously.
I've signed up to volunteer with the Burgundy Crescent, I can't wait to get started.
My job is going well ... for those of you that don't know. I work for a non profit education organization. I work with children from low income families so that they can get at or above grade level for reading and math. It's extremely rewarding, and I really feel so good about my work. I finally do something that helps society. I took a huge pay cut to take this job, and took a serious down grade in lifestyle. I live pay check to pay check but I for the first time actually get fullfilment from what I'm doing. Professionally I get it, I finally get that old saying, money can't buy happiness. Even if my DC expierement is cut short somehow it has already been a success because of what I've learned from this job. My kids are so wonderful, they are smart, articulate, and so warm. They look at me and they aren't trying to read me or analyze me, they are so genuine and they always give me their best effort. I can see myself with this job for as long as I can afford to live off the salary, and I can see myself in this field for the rest of my career.