Author: Mizzy / mizzy2k Fic Title: Even the Light is an Illusion Pairing(s): Steve/Tony Rating: T Universe: MCU (with an infusion of 616) Word Count: ~102,000 Warnings: Faked major character death, minor character deaths. Summary: Death threats are an unfortunate side-effect of being Tony Stark, so he's learned to ignore them. Trouble is, when someone really wants you dead, hiding your head in the sand just kinda exposes your ass.
But it's not just Tony's behind on the line. Whoever wants him dead wants him to suffer first, and they're willing to do anything to make that happen. Tony knows there's only one way out. To save Steve, the Avengers, and the general public, Tony has to die. Of course, death isn't always the end, and Tony does what any other self-disrespecting scientist would do: he finds a way to fake his death and avenge his own murder.
The trouble is, terrible decisions usually have a terrible price, and this one is no different. Tony has a chance to save the day, but the cost may be more than Tony was ever expecting to pay…
Even the light is an illusion, for when it stops I'll cease to be. Then, in the darkness for countless hours, I can move around freely exactly as how you like. Kanon Wakeshima - Maboroshi
Thank you to: Petite-Madame, Immoral-Crow, Theron09, TresMaxwell and Kiyala. ♥
petite_madame, your art kept me going on and on. I've pushed myself farther than I thought I could go, and it was all due to you. I still keep pinching myself that I was assigned to someone who creates such beautiful art - and who kept producing even more things which made my jaw drop and stomach swoop in the best possible way. ♥
immoral_crow, who is the best beta and cheerleader the world has ever known. I don't deserve you, bb; this one's definitely for you.
theron09, who is also a tremendous beta and cheerleader and all around wonderful person. I DON'T DESERVE YOU EITHER. You kept me from hating this to pieces.
tresmaxwell, who ameripicked part-i in a truly horrendous time crunch, and didn't turn down the challenge even when I asked her for help in slightly gibbering manner (there are moments where one can retain dignity, and there are moments that are hopeless to the dignity cause, and that request was not one of my finest moments) and is thus an amazing star. Any Britishisms that remain in part ii are entirely my fault (although I think I took out all the cupboards, America, y u no have cupboards??).
telaryn who provided last minute summary help and provided a shoulder to weep on
the avengers_rbb mods who didn't lock me away when I admitted I'd accidentally 100k in a month,
Kanon Wakeshima, who inspired me with her song maboroshi and provides me with most of my Avengers fic titles,