Screw the weather, seriously.

Dec 10, 2008 10:04

Last night, my google weather widget said it would be really, really cold today and that there would be a whole lot of freezing rain and sleet this morning.  I trusted in my google weather widget, so this morning, I bundled up hard-core.  Snow boots, thick socks, thick coat, scarf, the whole nine yards.  Then I trundle to the elevators, go down to the first floor and stare outside.  It is, indeed, raining.  I shivered mentally and headed for the doors.  I opened the first set of them and winced my eyes, readying myself for the obviously-heavy winds, and when I opened the doors, I got blasted in the face with 59-degree weather.

I sweated my ass off on the way into work and was generally an uphappy camper.

annoyances, weather

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