Day 01: Your Favorite Hanson Brother

Jun 16, 2010 21:11

First of all, I haven't made an LJ post in a loooong time, so I needed to do some catching up! Also, Renee P. has created a 30 Days of Hanson Meme, so I will be answering various Hanson related questions for the next 30 days.  Anyway, the first question asks who is your favorite Hanson Brother?

For me, this is a no-brainer.  Most of you who know me already know who my favorite is.... DRUMROLL........

Yup, my favorite Hanson by far, is Zac.  When I was thirteen and Hanson was first introduced to Hanson, Taylor was my favorite, but that all changed after This Time Around.  To me, Zac is the most talented and has one of the most amazing voices I have ever heard.  Plus I guess it doesn't hurt that he is a drummer (I've always had a thing for drummers!)

I also love his personality.  I think he has a funny and witty sense of humor, and he was definitely the most personable of the three when I met them last summer.

Finally, let's face it... He is absolutely gorgeous (refer to the above picture.) His smile is absolutely to die for.

So yeah, there is my answer for day one!  I am really looking forward to continuing this meme!  Thanks so much prettyzombiegrl  for creating and sharing this meme with everyone!


In other news....
I've kind of disappeared for awhile from the internet world.  The past five days or so have been absolutely miserable.  I started having horrible eye pain and redness and figured it was just pink eye, but when I went to the eye doctor I found out both eyes had severe cornea infections.  I haven't been able to leave my house because the sunlight has been too bright and while I was trapped in the house, I couldn't see the TV screen or computer screen.  My eyes are finally healed, and though my vision is still blurry, at least I can now go outside and get on the computer again.

Anyway, hopefully I will get some fic updates posted soon since I can actually see again. =)


hanson meme, hanson, meme, zac hanson, real life

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