Aug 09, 2009 11:53


[a.k.a. Arrogant Poisonous-Tongue VS. Evil Princess]

Main Pairing: RyoDa

Side Pairing: Ueda x ??, AkaKame, TaNaka, YamaPi x ??

Disclaimer: I’ve own Jin Akanishi since he was in his mommy womb. We have been married since like forever. Whatever...!! This fic just for fun, don’t sue me as I have no job, no money ( Read more... )

tanaka, ueda, tatsuya, fanfic: multi-chapter, kame, jin, ryo, koki, mizzakachan, nishikido, arrogant dokkun vs. sinister hime, akakame

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dayenniez August 11 2009, 08:45:35 UTC
I got a list of sentences that kept my breath away..

"I just keep it safe because I thought Nishikido will try to molest me if he turns on by the AV and mags."
This was really funny!! Imagining the way Tatsuya seduced You.. hahaha~ *faint*

"What he does not realized is that as he bends his body, his low-cut jeans hide none of the curve of his full ass and milky skins making the others gulp their own saliva at the beautiful panorama."
WHAT?? *GULP* *GULP* HOW DARE YOU!! you just made him being the sexiest man in my mind again!

"Whatever, man. But don’t be too harsh on him. You might fall for him... hard"
A curse?? A spell?? huhu~ but I love this WARNING!!

"Ewwh... Aniki.. Stop it already! He has boyfriend, ok? And too horny too,”
Awww.. I think Ryo was jealous??

huhuhu~ that's all..
this is great neechan! and I can't wait for the next. XD

Ahh.. btw, It's Okhura?? I wonder who's going to be the seme?? hahahaha~ but Ryo have to compete with him?? erm.. too bad for Ryo!

p/s: ooooo.. kutuk2 ex-boss dalam LJ eh, huhu~


mizzakachan August 12 2009, 07:02:03 UTC
Hahahaha... glad you like it...

Tat-chan always the sexiest hime for me after all... and become MY HIME now.. huhuhu... he so damn cute in Konkatsu... I wanna marry him instead of super boring Jinjin eventhough I'm in love with Jinjin... hahhahahaha...

Nope.. you got it all wrong... Ryo does not feel jealous at all rather feeling annoyed when You keep on perv-talking about someone he doesn't found attractive at all... and disgusting too when he remember whatever he heard on the phone..

Yes, It is Ohkura... I think Tacchon is on of the great opponent to ryo-chan. he is tall, sweet, cute and very attractive.. what do you think about the pairing??

P/S: Aku kutuk2 dia pun benda betoi.. yang di fitnah aku macam2 tu apa cer?? hahaha.. biaq la kt dia.. maleh dah nak pikiaq pasai dia..


dayenniez August 12 2009, 07:46:43 UTC
ahaaaa.. somebody is dreaming here.. over my DEAD body sis!!

What?? Ryo was not attracted to Tatchan?? Now I could see it clearly.. he’s a dead BLIND. Hahaha~ that princess surely deserved a better man like Okhura.. yeah! I agreed with you, Tacchon is a handsome man.. but plzzz.. This is not indicate that I wanted to see that pairing together2, ok?? I want it to be RyoDa! Hehehe~ please la… make it RyoDa for the ending and they will live happily ever after.. (I’m soooo into fairy tales!)

p/s: xyah pikiaq la.. lantak je.. wei~ malas gile harini.. nak beli konkatsu!! huu~ sian kami.. malam ni maila wisma ani sup ramai2, ada buffet RM9.90~ 8pm-11pm..makan sampai muntah! kambing golek pun ada. majlis pelancaran buffet Ramadan, dressing gempak tau, ada press ramai..hehe~ (tetibe jek promote ani sup)


mizzakachan August 12 2009, 08:11:12 UTC
hahaha.... Kalau dah jodoh, takyah langkah pun dapat gak...

i so into love-hate relationship.. It means that u wont get what u want too soon... hahahaha... maybe it will have sad ending... who knows..??? thus, if ryo-chan can easily fall in love with tat-chan, I wont be satisfied with myself ne?

P/S: Takmo aku pi ASU lg dah...


dayenniez August 12 2009, 08:27:01 UTC
Can you make Hime seduce Ryo?? hahaha~

Tetibe je kukehausan cita fluffy RyoDa.. could you give me any suggestion fic pe yg best?? yg dah lama2 pon xpe.. bosan ar.. kerja ada, tp MALAS nak mati! huhu~ dok download orthros no inu..hehe~ tetiba rindu kat uebo, hujan2 ni kalu leh peluk dia kan best..

p/s: erm.. xmo dah?? maila~ leh sembang2.. hehe~


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