Nov 25, 2008 18:50
Annnnnnnd it's over, ladies and gentlemen. I watched my portfolio in it's perfect little box leave today, now winging it's way to CalArts- hopefully getting there BEFORE the deadline.
And sadly, the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to go grab the box and take it back home and forget the whole damn thing... I mean, what the HELL was I thinking?!?!?! I just submitted my portfolio to CAL-ARTS! I have completely fallen off my noodle! I have not slept in 36 hours! I stayed up straight through the night working on the final pieces of my portfolio and all the forms, etc. I AM EXHAUSTED! And now I am just thinking about how I am SOOO ~NOT~ going to be accepted! I'm not good enough for that school! WHATTHEHELL WAS I THINKING?!?!? Seeing the box all day didn't help either. It was severely damaging my calm. I couldn't focus at work all day... of course... that COULD have been the exhaustion thing...
Oh, and here's a bit of humor for you all who still possess logic and sleeping credits...
Notification for the Fall 2009 semester is from March 1st to APRIL 1st!!! ~IF~ on some INSANE chance that I do get accepted, can't you just see this phone call?
CalArts Admissions staff- "Hi, Amanda? Congratulations! You've been accepted to CalArts."
puddle- "... Are you FUCKING SHITTING ME?! This is not funny- this is a cruel joke! What the fuck?! Why would you mess with me like this?! You are one twisted sicko! Did Samus put you up to this?!"
XD *laughs until she has to stop and sighs heavily* yeah... that'd be fun... I wanna listen to THAT conversation!
anyway- I am going to bed now. Night... Please- converse amongst yourselves.