eida fic ++dedicated to sakurada shoei++

May 27, 2008 13:56

The sky was painted in scarlet tone as the sun set down. In the crimson shade living room, the couple was cuddling as the male held his lover into his warm embrace and kissed her forehead. It was Sunday, and both of them were off from their work…practically being together along the day.

Sakurada Shoei giggled as her lover is patting her hair, “ Ne, Tatchan… What would you like to eat for dinner ? “

“ I think I would like to eat… “ Tatsuya’s eyes rolled in teasing way, “ …you “

“ Mou… Stop that tease. I’m serious, Tatchan “ Ei blushed and tried to hide her face from Tatsuya, who held one of her arm, “ But, Ei… I was goddam serious “

To prove his words, Tatsuya shoved his lover on the fluffy sofa and pressed his lips against her. The kiss is passionate, their lips crashing each other with a sweet way. The luscious lips that rubbed her lips made her brain stagnated into a static buzz; she can’t think. Leveled up their kiss, Tatsuya nipped Ei’s lips several times before licked her lips and sucked them gently. A soft moan escaped from Ei’s lips, muffled inside Tatsuya’s mouth. Through his lover parted lips, he slowly slid his tongue and rub the latter’s with a swirling motion.

“ Ei… “ He whispered in his lover’s ear, repeating her name like an endless charm. The girl gasped as her lover licked her earlobe slowly, tickled it before the tongue rolled down to her neck. Ruffled her lover’s hair, Ei practically shut her eyes as Tatsuya left some red lovebites on her neck.

Their breath turned into the ecstatic and frantic; what they did was going too far and both of them couldn’t stop it. A couple of seconds later, Tatsuya held Ei with a bridal-style and put her on the red-satin sheet of his king-sized bed. He hovered above his lover’s body and kissed more before placed his eyes on her face.

Rose’s scent filled the room up, the light was dim and danced some shadow seductively on their skin. Ei could see the lust’s spark in Tatsuya’s eyes, along the blushed cheeks and sweatdrops on his temples. Their clothes were slowly fell down, their bare skin met, sharing each other’s heat.

Ei shivered as jolts of pleasure rushed in her blood. More soft moans escaped from her lips as her lover caressed her body. Tatsuya treated her in such a gentle way, took enough time to foreplay and makes sure that she is okay.

“ Ei… may I… ? “

The girl under his body blushed, her face turned into a deep red. She slowly nodded, “ …hai, douzo… “

Grinding his hips, Tatsuya slowly joined their body together. Moaned, Ei held her lover’s body tightly as she felt an ecstasy’s sensation filled her brain and body. The way Tatsuya moved their body was just perfect.

They spent a couple of hours before the two of them lied side by side on the bed, exhausted from making love; sweats over their body and a satisfied smile plastered on their face. The sky is painted in navy blue tone now, and the stars are sparkled endlessly.

“ Ei… “ Tatsuya cupped his lover’s face on his palm, “ I love you “

“ I love you too, Tatchan… “

“ You are the greatest thing happened in my life… “ Tatsuya held Ei’s body closer and pressed her forehead on his shoulder. Their eyes met, and after several kisses, Tatsuya whispered in her ears, “ Honestly, I have been dreaming about you waking up beside me every morning… To embrace you every night after we made love… And to see you smile when you sent me off to work “

“ Tatchan, that’s sure heard like a propose, you know “

“ I am “

“ Eh ? “

“ I’m proposing to you right now, Ei… “ Tatsuya smiled at her, “ Please say yes “

Tears rolling down from Ei’s cheeks, a wide smile formed in her lips as she nodded slowly, “ Yes “


P.S Nine months later, they got Eri… ^^ If you understand what I mean LOLLL~~

one shot

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