Title: Dummy the Matchmaker, Part 8
Fandom: Avengers, Iron Man (movie-verse)
Rating: T
Summary: Tony finds out what Dummy did.
Notes: Written for
iu_fanfiction WC # 44: Kink Bingo | Prompt: age-gap | future!Steve/Tony
Days after the Stamping Incident-or “The Ownership of Captain America’s Ass” according to Clint-Steve was still having problems reigning in a blush whenever someone else on the team asks, “What’s that on your ass?”
Unfortunately, that included even the mild-mannered Bruce to some extent. He particularly liked mentioning that his ass was the perfect size and curve-for Tony’s hands, down to the last decimal place.
How and why Bruce even knew the measurements, Steve didn’t want to find out. He wished to preserve his sanity, after all.
When Tony returned from his business trip, it was Thor, of all people, who regaled him with the tale of “The Marking of the Captain of America’s Honorable Rear”. Everyone else was there, attempting to hide their snickers while Steve wished fervently for the floor to eat him already.
When Tony heard the whole thing, he raised an eyebrow at Steve with an amused smirk. “I wouldn’t mind owning that,” he said, his eyes trailing downward, much to the super soldier’s horror and secret pleasure. Before Steve could say anything else though, Tony focused on another part of the story.
“Dummy filled the whole floor with stamps?” His tone was incredulous. “JARVIS, why and how was he on this floor anyway? I thought I made it clear that he wasn’t supposed to leave the workshop.”
“He appears to have gotten hold of certain codes that overrode your orders to keep him locked in the workshop,” JARVIS replied. Steve was sure he sounded smug.
A look of understanding mixed with wonder crossed Tony’s features. “Would you look at that-little Dummy’s growing up!” He grinned widely. “We should have a party to celebrate!”
Clint looked skeptical at the idea. “You’re throwing a party for your robot learning how to go against your orders?”
Tony rolled his eyes at him. “Of course! He’s never blatantly gone behind my back before.”
“It’s practically unheard of, in terms of development for artificial intelligences,” Bruce elaborated, fascination apparent. “It’s like a teenager showing a rebellious streak in puberty.”
“Exactly!” Tony gleefully rubbed his hands together. “So we’re gonna have a party! Kinda like a coming of age, except he’s not really of age yet.” He paused for a moment. “Well, technically, he is but I don’t think I programmed him to mature like an average human being.”
“You think?” Steve echoed.
“Yes, I think. I wasn’t completely coherent when I first made him. JARVIS, what do you think is his equivalent age in human years?”
“Basing his behavior on various studies, I believe he would now be approximately ten years of age. Though, as of this day and hour, he is exactly twenty-one years old.”
“It’s Dummy’s birthday? What date is it today anyway?” After JARVIS informed Tony, he laughed. “It is his birthday, what do you know? We’re gonna have double the celebration!”
“It is the the anniversary of Dummy’s birth!” Thor exclaimed enthusiastically. “This is indeed a day of celebration! We must honor this joyous day!”
“Dibs on mixing up the drinks,” Natasha inserted with a smirk.
“No fair, ‘Tasha, I wanted that job!” Clint protested.
“You can set up the streamers since you spend so much time hear the ceiling anyway.”
“I’ll call up Pepper,” Phil said, his phone already out. “Colonel Rhodes can probably spare a few hours too.”
Bruce added, “I can cook some pasta and roast pork, probably some salad too. Steve can bake a cake for Dummy. Right, Steve?”
Before Steve could reply, Tony was upon him with a hopeful expression. “Please, oh, please, paint Dummy with icing!”
Steve never really decorated much with icing. “Uh, I’m not sure, I don’t really-”
“Please, please, Steve?” Tony begged, something all of them knew he rarely did. “You’re going to make Dummy and his creator really happy!” When Steve still didn’t answer, he added, “Come on, I’ll upgrade your bike if you want, anything you want me to do-”
“Alright, I’ll do it,” Steve acquiesced with a laugh. He didn’t miss the suggestive eyebrow wiggles and knowing smiles from the rest of the team.
To be continued.
A/N: Hahahaha, okay. I don't know what's going on XD