叫びたいのは「馬鹿にするな!」 ハハ :p

Jul 26, 2007 23:57

Today, I'm in a good mood!! (^o^)
Work was a breeze.  We had a workshop all day today in Fuchu.
Wow, Fuchu is farther than I thought.

Another good thing was something unexpected!
I was talking to my Japanese teacher today about various things.
It was a fun time as usual.  I swear I love my teacher.
I would hate it if she'd ever have to call in a sub because she knows me so well.

Anyway, when it was time to leave I exited the room to go to the comfort room.
When I came back out, my teacher was talking about me to another woman in the lobby.
It turns out, she's a former NHK announcer.
Unbeknownst to me, this other woman could hear me and my teacher talking in the other room. (The walls are thin.)
Apparently, she heard me speaking with my sensei as well as doing a cold reading.
She told me she was really impressed and praised me on my speaking and the sound of my voice when I read.^o^

My teacher knows I worry about my pronounciation a lot.  And over the months, we've been working hard to perfect it.
And my teacher is strict...very strict.  She'll tell me immediately if I make a mistake. 
In the last five weeks, she's been commenting on how much I've improved and gotten rid of my old bad habits.
So when I heard this comment from a complete stranger, I really felt like the fruits of my labor are starting to show.
This makes me really happy.  I'm gonna continue to work hard!!

Jia You, me!! :p

japan, daily life

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