Now That Was A Beach Trip!

Jul 15, 2009 18:52

Today Sage, Mitsuki, C4, Katydid, and I all went to the beach. We stopped at Wally World for lunch fixins and sun safety. By noon we were off. Because of the cold weather we have been having the lake hasn't warmed up yet, so it was still a little chilly. Mitsuki took the longest to get into the water. She was splashing Sage away every time he tried to coax her in. Finally I was able to talk her in slowly. I really wanted to swim with her and hold her as we floated around, but with Sage there and I had the Katydid it was impossible. I just have to wait for a time we can go by ourselves I guess *sigh*.

We had coldcuts for lunch. I bought Mitsuki two really tasty types of turkey. One was sundried tomato and the other was cajun. She said they were both yummy. We ate chips and drank diet soda. I wanted to go back into the water, but Sage was being a git about Katydid whenever I asked C4 to do something with her so I stayed out and took pictures of Sage, Mitsuki, and katydid playing in the sand. Sage directed Mitsuki to buld a neat sand castle. He named it Castle Shan and then she destroyed it.

We left around 1430 and everyone except Sage wanted to play mini-golf. We went to stop for our usual ice cream tradtion, but Sage treated everyone to Cold Stone. Hey I didn't mind. We stopped at Wally World so I could get rid of the latest present Kitty left me with. Fleas! She treated her four cats and then left me flat. I picked up a flea collar, spray, and stuff for the house. I don't want my guests on Friday to be bitten. This stuff works fast too. They are dropping like flies. By tomorrow the house should be fine. We stopped one more time at Cold Stone and I picked up Ice cream cupcakes for the house. Then we headed home.

When we got home my Mom too the kids and even though I wanted to go to sleep, I wanted to blog more and put the pics and videos up. I think I got too much sun though. My face feels funny. I still had a great time and hope to do it again soon. Later all and enjoy the pics and vids.

Katydid And her Sand Toys

C4 Fresh Out The Water

Yummy Sandwich

All Gone

Sage And His Tattoo

Mitsuki And Katydid Play In The Sand

Sage And Katydid Play Too

All Together Now

Mitsuki And Sage Build A Castle

I'm Gonna Step On It

Almost Done

We Did It!

The Finished Castle

Sage Names It Castle Shan

A Picture Of The Lake

C4 In The Lake

A Dragonfly

Other Sand Projects

Ice cream Cupcakes For Gaerfie And The Gnome

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kids, family, daughter, beach, fun

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