Medea Was Right Again

Jul 14, 2009 23:42

Today was a laid back day. I guess my goal list was a little much today, but I still got a few things done and some not on the list. I swept and mopped the kitchen floor and I cleaned out the area where She use to have her cat box. It was disgusting! I also scrubbed the outside of the fridge down really well. I haven't seen the fridge that white in a long time. I turned it to face the kitchen and now I can swing the doors easier. While I was doing this I was watching a few Tyler perry plays. One was "Madea Goes To Jail". The movie was great, but the play will always come first for me.

In it Madea is talking to her Grandson who just found out that his wife was cheating on him and that the baby wasn't his. She was explaining to him the difference between people who are suppose to be in your life for a short time and a long time. She compared them to leaves, branches, and roots. Leaves are just that, they leave your life in a short time. Brancehs seem strong till you need them to help "support" you, then they break and snap off and let you fall. Roots is something a tree can't survive without. They will always be there for you even when you don't have problems they are still there. Mitsuki, Sage, and Gaerfindel are my roots. I think Kitty was just a branch. Now that doesn't mean I consider my other friends to be just leaves. I love Bubbie and everyone else, but there will come a time when we will have to physically part and even though we will stay in touch by e-mail or snail mail, it will be different. Leaves aren't bad people, don't get me wrong. They are here in your life to teach you things and then when they leave you are a better person for it. If they turn out to be bad, then you have learned a life lesson from them that will hopefully protect you when another leaf comes along and tries the same bullshit. I think it was a great analogy. I couldn't embed it hear, but if you want to find out more go to YouTube and type Madea Goes To Jail and you will find it there. I hope I make a few fans out of you with this. And if you don't like getting into the God stuff, just ignore it or do what I do and fast forward.

Gaerfie came back from the park around 1430. We still had a hard time getting the kids down. Katydid fell asleep during the ride back so she went with out lunch. The Gnome ate lunch, but he wouldn't go tosleep till 1500 and slept till 1800 again. Neither one wanted dinner tonight. I wish we could fix this schedual problem. I really worry we are hurting them with it. After the kids went down, Gaerfie and I gave the cat a bath. Harvest was pretty cooperative. She didn't scratch us once. I feel bad for the way cats look after wards though. This mangy little skinny thing. Gaerfie and I watched Good Eats and I learned how to open a coconut the right way. Then our mouths watered as we watched Diners, Drive in's, and Dives. There was this guy who made his own ricotta. it looked so good and this Italian chicken fried steak with sweet roasted red peppers and marinara sauce. Ah drool!

Tomorrow I am going swimming with Sage, Mitsuki, C4, and we are taking Katydid. Gaerfie is going to do some father and Son time and go on a hike with the Gnome. I can't wait! Night all!

P.S.-Here is the latest Weird Al video I received. It's an original song, I hope you like it.

image Click to view

Also pics from C4 B-day party. Sorry it took so long with the drama and all.

The Cake

Mitsuki's Dad Tried To Light C4 On Fire

Birthday Punches

Frobes Birthday Gift

Mitsuki And I Take Pictures Of Each Other

Hunter And His New Haircut

Guests At The Party

C4 Cutting His Cake

Sage Passing Out Cake

C4 Is In The Money!

Video Games, Candy, and Cards

The Mistake That Started The Falling Out

Vanna Frobes And Vanna Mitsuki

A Copper Dragon Figure

My Gift To C4, It Lights Up!

Sage Playing With Katydid

The Gnome With Party Favors

Mitsuki's Dad As A Creepy Old Man

Katydid Back Home

son, party, family, friends, fun

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