pimp hat

Mar 16, 2006 20:34

I wore the pimp hat today (3rd period - end of school). What is the pimp hat, you ask? why, it's a top (but not tall) hat with sparkly gold fabric on the top and gold sequins along the edge. It actually looked REALLY good.
however, I'm not looking so hot in that pic, but i had just itched my nose so yeah. oopsies.
not much else to say about today - it all went pretty well, actually. i don't like doing the gym run, but i did it and i got it over with. *sighs* ah well, not much you can do about that other than deal 'n' do kinda stuff. *shrug*
on a completely different note, eel sushi is incredible (as are seaweed salad and miso salad dressing), tapioca is tastygoodyum, and Juicy Juice is a wonderful and tasty trip down memory lane to the younger years of one's life.

AND NOW! studying for the "quest" in history (quiz/test = quest) and doing my geometry review so that i don't FAIL! always a good idea, that.
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