well, that and her music's really really really really pretty.
*sigh* you'd think i'd be way better now, considering all the crewing i've been doing.
however one must take into consideration also my asthma. In the erg room, or the "dungeon/ torture chamber" as i and some buddies have dubbed it, the only source of ventilation is the door. There were 8 girls erging their lungs out in a dusty, moldy room with coxswains yelling at them to 'pull harder, hold on to it, etc.' NOOOOOOT FUUUUUUN NONONONONONO. i had breathing troubles for the first piece, the 1500m, but i beat my best score without tape on the screen (they make the numbers really big and then tape over everything except for meters and spm - it helps me loads, i got a 2:09.4 that way @_@). I even beat my Erg Sprints score from that humungo thing in january or whenever from a 2:12.5 to a 2:11.4 today. *woot*
then we had a 2k. UM. NO. >< that did NOT work out as planned, nosirree. i had an asthma attack RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PIECE but i kept going YAY ME. i started off at like 1:53 for the first ten strokes, and after i could breathe again i got a 2:00 at the lowest for the last 100 meters or so.
and i just realized that i haven't sworn yet in this post. Oh my.
Orchestra - Jonathan is a bloody retard, and he should NOOOT be the conductor while Alvey's out. >< just UGH.
Geometry - i'm doing so much better with my homework! yay mrs. broadman helping me out after crew on wednesdays *yay* and she better, for $75 per hour
Japanese - always a yay. ^_^ andrew's a funny little munchkin, except for how he's actually like two feet taller than me ^_^'
Bio - it was like 3rd grade. we did cutting and pasting type stuff and listened to a really weird song called "I'm My Own Grampa" or something. odd odd odd.
English - got some of teh project done, but mostly played the driver's ed game in the computer lab. ^_^'
Lunch - not a whole lot happened... it was fun though.
P.E. - i got swtiched in basketball by trading my soccer spot with alex edelman, so now i'm with all my buddies again! it was really weird, when they were doing the "random" selections, every person chosen except ONE were from our group. it was REALLY annoying. BUT i did really well with the dribbling thing we did, where some people didn't have basketballs and had to try and steal them, or before it was just trying to knock someone's out of their hands to make them do 5 pushups and i only got it knocked out ONCE. oh yeah i rock. \m/ -_- \m/ i got really sweaty though, it was nasty
History - i mostly spent it being scared as hell of erging at school. we took a lot of notes too T_T bleeeeh
Crew - ERG THROAT HOLY SHIT OWWWW but i got a REALLY good workout so now it's time for me to shower.
hmm. maybe 'drained' isn't the best description after all? *flees*
(from like 6:00)
then there were posting issues because i changed my password and i didn't know how to fix it BUT THEN I DID.
ooookay. that took FOREVER. and i just watched 2.5 hours of CSI. WOOOOOOT and i don't know how many chocolate covered almonds i ate, but i'm guessing somewhere in the twenties. ^_^' oopsie... BUT SO YUM WITH THA YAY AND MUNCH AND THE mmmmmmm sweet sweet contentment. *ureshii*