finally, a happy Rei-san!

Sep 09, 2006 22:35

This day... God, it's been really something. I finally got the two things I have been waiting for since like... two months ago and stuff.

GOOD GRIEF. I want to kill this magazine (if it's possible). Actually, I was kind of losing hope because I was sure to never get it >_> but here it is. The poster is awesome ♥ Well, アリス九號. are awesome themselves, so nothing new XD
Lovely gay people on the backcover!! 仙台貨物 for the win.

N.L.S.G. Tour Final at Budokan
This *goddamn* dvd really made realize how much of a great band they are. The concert is amazing, I still haven't seen the whole thing but I kind of get the idea. The backstage footage. Want to talk about the backstage footage? Well it contains Aoi "dancing" in a gold kimono, Aoi zipping his pants, Aoi running around and yelling with a piece of plastic film on his mouth, Kai being hit by the others, Kai cooking for the others, Uruha opening a giant bottle of champagne (and spilling some on the floor), Reita smiling cutely for more than half of the time he's in front of the camera and Ruki making some really SWEET faces now and then. But there are a lot of other things I can't remember right now.
I can only say that this is one of the best and most enjoyable dvds I've ever bought.

EDIT: I was forgetting about my other recent purchase.

Yes, you can yell at me.

Button close up.

The text, unreadable because of the poor quality, says "Rock and roll to bone". Lol.

alice nine, gazette, pics (broken links), online shopping

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