(no subject)

Aug 04, 2011 21:58

omg cutting it so close to the line for the last week of pthon. you know what's even worse? I NEVER VOTED. SHITBALLS. I literally JUST REMEMBERED as I was typing this. FUCK.

I'm 50 words over on my entry and nobody's had sex yet. I'm in a hotel because we had a scheduled power AND water outtage tonight at home and I have to do work on Japan time online, so, fuck. sfjhgaskfjhgasdkfjhgsakfjgsakfjhagskfjhsad tonight is a crazy fucking night.


ETA: 4:04 AM pacific time -

entry written & submitted, 748 words of uncreative shlock, maybe some poor soul will like it. Votes submitted, DANG I was not in the proper mood to read those. If I'm somehow not in before the deadline due to english timezone shenanigans I will cut a bitch. IF I DONT GET 100% COMPLETION ON PTHON THEN WHAT EVEN WOULD THE POINT BE.

next week: reposts at mintandhoney, including the bonus challenges I liked (which I think was actually almost all of them? more than the proper challenges, that's for sure.)
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