2014 Thinks To Do

Dec 31, 2013 11:28

Okay, so big plans for 2014 include:

- rewatching the Ron Perlman/Linda Hamilton Beauty and the Beast as part of a year-long thing with Stephen Aryan and Liz de Jager. We might even have a weekly Discussion Blog about that week’s show. Anybody who wants to can join in!

- (re)reading all the Guy Gavriel Kay novels, of which there are now 12, one a month in publication order, again with weekly discussion. We’ll be starting with THE SUMMER TREE in January, with a goal of reading 4 chapters a week. The first discussion post will be here on January 7!

- perhaps (re)reading the Barbara Hambly Benjamin January series, of which I now have all the books (in hardback no less! squee!) and which are among some of the best books I’ve ever read. I don’t know if I’ll start this in January, but I think I’ll do it.

- working my way through the To Be Read Shelf, with the goal of reducing it by about 70% before buying any new books.

Of course, I have no idea when I’ll write, with all that stuff to read and watch… :)

(x-posted from The Essential Kit)

to be read shelf, revolutions, thinks to do, reading

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