early morning blog entry

Jul 01, 2008 20:35

This is my early morning “warm up the fingers before I start the real writing” blog entry, where “early morning” means about 9:30, which really isn’t very early at all. And it won’t be posted until sometime tonight when I go over to my parents’ house to use their internets. Not the point. *squinchy face*

It boggles my little mind in a turrible way that today is the first of July, and the second half of the year has begun. It’s been an extremely chaotic half-year, and I wouldn’t mind it one bit at all if the second half settled down some.

To that end, let’s see what I’ve got on my plate:

- finish writing CAULDRON BORNE
- write a proposal for THE IMPERATOR’S HEIR (asap)
- finish my “From Russia, With Love” revisions (asap)
- go to ComicCon*
- launch Chance
- hopefully sell & write THE IMPERATOR’S HEIR
- get the next six Chance issues written
- go to MeCon
- go to the Nickelback concert :)
- go to London for a book signing
- go to Octocon
- go to South Carolina to be a teacher how to write
- hopefully go to WFC in Calgary

Oh yes. That looks *much* less frenetic, doesn’t it? *rolls eyes*

While we were unpacking, I discovered pair after pair of cute pants which totally don’t fit me because I re-gained 25 pounds. It is a new month. It is a new house. It is a new town. It is my proclamation that I’m going to stop eating so much damned junk food (which really is my downfall: I love sweets, sigh) and get back into all those skinny pants. There’s a yoga class tonight. I’m going to go to that. So mote it be.

Today I need to write 4431 words, which will get me to 50K on this book.

Here I go.

(and, at the end of the day when i’m actually posting this…)

I only actually wrote about 3K, which isn’t enough, but, well, *shrug*, it’s what I wrote. I’ll try to make up the other 500 words tomorrow. We’ll see. I *did* go to the yoga class, which was invigorating, and…

…and I just got notification that TAKE A CHANCE should be in the July Previews at the end of the month for a September release. ZOMG. This might really be happening.

*If you’re going to ComicCon yourself, and we have not made arrangements to meet, please email me at cemurphyauthor@gmail.com so we can!

miles to Isengard: 61.9
ytd wordcount: 249,900
(x-posted from the essential kit)

thinks to do, writing, conventions, chance, yoga, zomg

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