and the winnahs are:

Sep 11, 2007 09:01

The persons who have earned copies of PHOENIX LAW and perhaps FIREBIRD DECEPTION are:

lady_findel for bribing the author with Belgian chocolate. The author does not need Belgian chocolate, but appreciates a good bribe. :)

booniecat, for sheer dogged posting length, plus for telling a good story :)

dreamstrifer, because this really was made totally of awesome (it's a belly dance to the Super Mario Bros theme music. You should watch it. It's awesome.)

madmiss partly because of her story of pathos, but mostly because she was the one who ordered copies of my books for the local sf/f bookstore to carry.

jadzia325 for her sad story of being unable to read the first two books in the trilogy without having PHOENIX on hand, although possibly I should make her extend her 90 day no-book-buying sentence to 91 days if I send her a book. :)

and last

tdapenguin for her very strange dream in which she played the lead role of C.E. Murphy. Me, I have dreams about being Samantha Carter, but hey, whatever works for people. :)

Couple notes: first, a number of people mentioned in the comments that they couldn't find copies of the Dermody books in the bookstores and perhaps they were looking in the wrong places. You're not. The books were what's called line romance, which meant they only had a 1-month shelf life, so if you didn't buy them the month they came out you pretty much didn't have a chance to buy them. You can find some copies at Amazon through their non-Amazon sellers, some at eBay, and some at ABEBooks. I haven't looked anywhere else.

Second, the entire trilogy in order is THE CARDINAL RULE, THE FIREBIRD DECEPTION, and THE PHOENIX LAW, so if you're getting one of these books from my giveaway here, do be aware you're not going to get the first book in the series. In theory you should be able to understand what's going on without reading the first book, but they do build on one another, so you may want to try to get the first book in the series through one of the above links.

Third, if you're one of the winnahs, please email me your snailmail address at :)

Fourth, slovobooks, see me after class.

cate dermody, contests

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