entertaining read

Sep 10, 2007 19:17

Real quick, before I dash off to sign up for dance class/go to yoga:

I just read ROGUE ANGEL: DESTINY, the first of an ongoing series about Annja Creed, an Indiana-Jones style archaeologist and (she said, generalizing wildly) the modern-day heir to Joan of Arc's power. They're put out by Gold Eagle, Harlequin's "Men's Adventure" line, and _that_ line is where the Bombshells should've been marketed under. The Strongbox Chronicles, at the very least, would've done well there.

Anyway, it was actually a pretty entertaining book. Nice quick read, basically delivers exactly what you're expecting (I mean, really: Indiana Jones as heir to Joan of Arc. There ya go.) I've got another one from later in the series and am kind of interested to see if the storytelling quality holds up. If it does I'll probably find other books in the series, though not right away. Ted and I have declared a moratorium on buying new books until we've cleared at least half the TBR shelves. (*gasp*)

Off to class stuff and stuff now. I said coherently.

reading, strongbox chronicles, cate dermody

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