writing & yoga

Sep 05, 2007 21:48

Bringing this up out of comments, 'cause...well, *someone* might be interested... :)

out_totheblack said, "I still don't see how you crank out so much writing in a day." Although I suspect this was not actually intended as a literal comment, I took it that way, and replied (with some modification and expansion for the purposes of posting on the front page):

Well, when I'm doing it like this, quite literally *how* I do it is to get up, go straight to the writing computer (which has no net access) and write for 45-60 (usually 60) minutes, in which time I expect myself to write ~1000 words. If I succeed, I am permitted 3 games of solitaire.

I then take a 15 minute break for breakfast, go back and write for another 45-60 minutes (earning another set of solitaire), break for a quick shower, write, break for a snack, write, and then take a half hour for lunch. I've discovered an hour loses too much momentum, but half an hour is enough to eat and turn on the net-connected computer to check LJ and email.

The net-computer gets turned off after lunch and I return to my writing/break pattern until around 2 or 2:30, which is Time For Catie To Leave The House. This is critical, because it is very, *very* easy to hole up until you've got cabin fever if your job is done at home. So I often get a 90 minute or so break in there, but I try to be back at the computer by 3:30 or 4, and then write until 5 or 6, depending on how much I've accomplished and how close I am to a major goal.

On the flip side, I actually went to the yoga class, which was very pleasant. I'm surprised at how many people were there (15 or so!) and it confirms that whatever sort of practice that was, it is calming and relaxing and not a great deal like exercise, although I suspect it gets more exercisey as the class goes on. There's another one with a different teacher next Monday that I think I'll go check out. These are both fundamentals classes, and if I like them both maybe I'll TAKE them both! Hah! Crazy talk! Although jeez, getting me to go to one might be job enough. Anyway, it was nice and I'm glad I went. (I had to, after posting on LJ. I would've felt *particularly* lame if I hadn't.)

writing, yoga, process

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