bras & weight loss

Sep 07, 2016 15:15

I have, through no particular effort of my own, lost somewhere between 20-25 pounds in the past year. Mostly it’s just that I’ve been eating less. Not well, certainly, just less. Not exercising more, either. Just eating less. Basically for the first time in my life I’ve been stress not-eating instead of stress eating.

Anyway, so I’ve lost a fair amount of weight, and my bras have not been fitting well at all.

So a week or two ago I bought new bras, and people suddenly started saying, “Wow, you’ve lost so much weight!” Which, well, yes, that’s true, but since it didn’t all drop off at once, it’s clear that what they’re actually reacting to is the fact that my boobs are a lot higher than they were before, and the overall effect that has.

I thought that was pretty funny. :)

(x-posted from The Essential Kit)

shopping, weight loss

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