Attack Kickstarter: Atlantis Fallen print edition!

Sep 06, 2016 10:14

I’d told everybody I didn’t want to run a Kickstarter for the ATLANTIS FALLEN print edition until I at *least* had REDEEMER off to the editor, to whom it went a couple of weeks ago. Then it turned out that both my cover artist and book designer were free to turn a project around quickly, so I have launched a SUDDEN ATTACK KICKSTARTER!!!

It’s a super low-key Kickstarter by my standards: it’s got one simple goal, which is financing the ATLANTIS FALLEN print edition.

Why Kickstarter? Because I’ve found out the hard way that a print edition isn’t worth financing on my own, not until and unless I can really ramp up the marketing game and get the books into major chains reliably. For independent publishing, e-books are where the money is at; print is a sinkhole.

But I love print books, you love print books, we all, let’s not kid ourselves, love print books, so Kickstarter is the best way to make it happen right now!

Most of the costs for ATLANTIS FALLEN have already been dealt in; all I’m going for here is covering paying my book designer and cover artist so ATLANTIS FALLEN is as gorgeous as any of my other books, and shipping the books worldwide (a cost I’ve folded in to the basic buy-in price, to make it easier for all of us).

If it goes beyond the basic funding goal, extra funds will go into a kitty toward future print book editions of other things I write. That will be exciting!

(Actually, I think this is exciting anyway, because this is going to be such a pretty book! Yay! <3 <3 <3!)

(x-posted from The Essential Kit)

kickstarter, heartstrike chronicles

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