weekend writing retreat

Jan 17, 2016 22:24

I had a little stress-induced breakdown this week (mentioned earlier under the cunning title “rage bot murder machine” or something like that) and consequently Ted sent me away for a weekend writing retreat this weekend.

My primary goal going in was to get the REDEEMER manuscipt to 90,000 words (about 4/5ths done), and my secondary goal was to write 15,000 words if I could (these two goals were separated by a wordcount of about 1500 words).

I wrote about 16,000 words, which comes out (roughly) to about 53 pages of a published novel, so that was a pretty good two days’ work. Not my absolute top speed (my best one-day-spree ever was 12K, and my all-time personal best was a 30K novella written in 3 days), but a very good weekend. I’m especially pleased because, due to how my brain is wired (I guess) I’d hit my primary goal but was looking at being Pretty Disappointed That I’d Missed The Secondary Goal, except I had an exceptionally good writing bout on the train ride home and raced well past the Secondary Goal for Bonus Delight.

Anyway, aside from writing, let me tell you, I really lived it up. I bought a new pair of jeans (€12!). Had to, the thighs were going in the pair I was in. I went crazy and splurged on the Nice Shampoo from the hairdressers’ shop. I took a bath at the hotel and shaved my legs. I am a *party*. *animal*.

A party animal who is going to bed now, having used up all her brain this weekend. #snxxt

(x-posted from The Essential Kit)

writing, weekend report, writing retreat

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