Kitsnaps: Canal Reflection

Jan 15, 2016 19:19

I’m going to have to do something about the fact that my Computer That Goes Clunk can no longer run any image manipulation programs (the failed update that caused it to start Going Clunk had something to do with the graphics card, and even *booting* photoshop elements is now impossible), because I’m running low on the handful of Photo Friday images I’d prepped. Fortunately (?) I’ve been doing such a bad job remembering to post them they’ve lasted a while… :}

Reflection on the Grand Canal in Athy, Co Kildare, Ireland, circa Jan 2006. I could do a whole series of Reflection photos, now that I think of it. I like them. :)

(x-posted from The Essential Kit)

reflections, photography, kitsnaps, photo friday

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