(no subject)

May 08, 2024 07:37

I had a crazy dream that I was kicking back with Metallica at a shoe store. Wtf??

It started with me shopping for shoes and trying them on with my sister. I had a So What metclub magazine with me and an old book that I don’t know wtf it was. As my sister is off looking around, Kirk Hammett strolls by, sees me trying on some boots, notices my magazine and decides to stop and chat. Mind you, we were both younger versions of ourselves. He was coming out of his Load era look (think Whiskey In The Jar video), and I was in my mid-20s.

Anyway, long story short, he wrote comments in my So What mag, and left his ph number in my book.

Then the rest of the band showed up and they all hung out for a few minutes before taking off.

When my sister got back, I told her what happened and she wanted to meet them. So the rest of the dream was us looking for them all over the mall. Wild.

And just as I realized Kirk had left me his number and I was about to call him, I woke up. End of dream. Boooooo.

I can’t complain. That was a fun dream. I’ve been having some very interesting dreams lately. They’re my much-needed little escape from the world and reality.
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