Dec 11, 2005 21:41
Um, not being egotistical at all, but have you ever met another 23 year old who was INVITED to be on the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity? Yup. And I turned it down.
I turned it down because I am learning how to pick and choose my battles. Wait. They aren't battles, they are projects.
I am going to start a chapter of The Arc in the panhandle.
I sometimes think I should have been a social work major.
Hm. No one really tells you about the transition from college to the real world. Part of it really, really sucks. I miss late nights with pizzas and ramen and prank phone calls and going to walmart in your pajamas. Now, none of that is really acceptable. Especially the pajamas in Walmart part. This is devastating.
Then the boss pulls me into the office and tells me I need to look more professional. Um, wait. No chinos with a courderoy blazer? Nope. I need to be posh. Posh for a non profit job.
This is like a giant culture shock. The real world is filled with phonies. If only Holden Caulfield had been an adult when he was narrarating Catcher in the Rye. He had no clue. No clue.
This has all bummed me out beyond belief. Now, people really expect things out of me, and I can't use age or "I'm in college" as an excuse to completely bail out of things and shirk duties. Not that I made that a habit, but I had that catching net there.
I will be 24 in two days. Mid 20s. I am getting old. I think my mid life crisis is right around the corner. I have Peter Pan syndrome. By the way, I just discovered this awesome magazine named Lilith for independant, liberal Jewish women. And there was a fascinating article about the Peter Pan and Wendy syndromes in the last issue. Or maybe that was in Bitch. Either way, you should check out both periodicals.
I am going to Brazil in February. I will be there for Carnival. Oh, which reminds me to quit babbling about my good life and start surfing the internet about Brazil.